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Hi everyone I'm bored someone talk to me.

I'd be willing to do a roleplay with someone too. I kinda wanna do one with Ahsoka and another character. I'd wanna be Ahsoka, but I could be my OC too, if someone else wants to be here.


Here's my OC:

Name: Aalya Terius 

Species: Nautolan

Eye Color: black

Skin Color: purple

Gender: genderqueer, non-binary

Pronouns: they/she

Sexuality: asexual

Romantic Orientation: aromantic

Master: Kit Fisto

Lightsaber color: purple

Personality: shy and quiet, but determined. Loyal to those she trusts, but they don't trust many people due to how everyone seems to hate them (they're often bullied.) Aalya doesn't have any friends, but she convinced herself that she doesn't need them, which also contributed to their loneliness and part of her personality. Aalya doesn't talk much or ask questions because of how she's a very big introvert. 

Likes: not talking to people, cake, garlic bread, ice cream

Dislikes: talking to people, no cake, no garlic bread, no ice cream


I'm not sure what else to put. So can someone do a roleplay with me? I'm very bored, and just realized that I made an entire Minecraft world for Star Wars roleplays, but have no friends who like star wars to roleplay in it with, so I'm sad. If we would roleplay here, we wouldn't roleplay in that Star Wars world, we'd do it here, of course, but that is part of the reason I want to rp.

That seems confusing. Basically I'm saying "roleplay with me, I'm sad and bored."

Have a good day/night or time on an alien planet.

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