Chapter 5 - Cinderella

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After breakfast I went upstairs, the closet was almost half empty! It was a habit of mine, going through the old closet. Every time I saw something of my parents I began to feel this strange longing. It hurt, but not physically, it hurt to remember how my life used to be, how happy my mom and my dad and I used to be together. It did this thing to me where I began to yell and stomp. I wanted them back so bad, it hurt!

This morning I took Drizella's yellow dress without asking, yellow was my mother's favorite color. If I asked Drizella she'd want me to explain, but it would hurt me a lot. I yelled at her to bring me black flats too. I yelled because it hurt, I missed them too much! I'm so lonely here. I wish I had someone to keep me company. Like a husband, oh yes! Wouldn't that be nice? Just someone I could talk to, or spill my secrets to. Maybe if I had company I would forget the pain and I would live a happier life!

I pulled out an old wooden box, it was dusty so I blew on it. It had a dark green flower on it and a small golden keyhole with the key inside it. I opened it and inside there were two beautiful diamond earrings. I immediately recognized them. They were my mothers. The pain started. I stomped.

"Augh!" I screamed.

The pain, I took a deep breath. I closed the box and put it on the window sill. "I'm going outside, maybe I'll meet someone I like," I said.

I ran downstairs, past the dining room, through the kitchen. I saw Lady Tremaine sitting in the parlor. "I'm going to ride Angel in the woods. I'll be back soon!" I called. She opened her mouth to reply but I was already throwing the door open. I got Angel from the stables, "Hi Angel, we're gonna take a ride in the woods today!" I told her. She's white with brown spots and chocolate brown eyes.

We rode out into the woods, it was sunny and the light shone through the trees. We rode for about twenty minutes before I saw a man riding a brown horse. He was with a crew of men and it looked as if they were hunting. I ducked behind a bush, as I watched I saw the man in front get out his bow and arrow. I saw a deer, completely unaware of what was happening ahead. The man told his crew he would kill it while they waited farther back! He aimed.

"Don't kill it please!" I screamed. Deers were my mother's favorite animal, she used to care for them on the farm. I couldn't let him kill one, I just couldn't!

"Who said that?" He asked whirling around on his horse. I rode out to where he was.

"I did, the deer did nothing to you, so why kill it?" I spoke. He was handsome, and his eyes looked kind and soft. But why was he wearing a fancy button-down shirt with gold trim while he was hunting? I couldn't help but laugh.

"What?" he said smiling.

"Your outfit is ridiculous!"

"Oh," he said blushing "I guess it is."

"Please don't kill it," I said getting serious again.

"But we are hunting, killing an animal is kind of the point," he said.

I giggled. Then I got mad at myself for doing so. "Who are you?" I asked "I am...Ben," he said, "I work in the.... the stables, at the palace".

"Your maje--" I heard someone begin to yell but Ben cut him off.

"I'm coming," he responded. "Well, I really should be going."

I rode off. That was strange, but he was nice. Why did that person start to call Ben your majesty? I thought he worked at the palace at the horse stables. Maybe it's an inside joke. I thought to myself as I rode back to the cage of the house. Ben is handsome, and he might make a good husband one day.


Sorry I havent updated anything in a while! I'm a very slow writer so updates to all my stories are going to be very infrequent. 



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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