Chapter 3 - Lady Tremaine

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Ella has been with us for a long time. Since she was five years old. That's when I married Collin. I felt bad when she started. Cleaning the windows and doing all the laundry. She was so shy back then. Then one day when she was eight years old she was cleaning the fireplace before breakfast and she came to the table covered in ashes. Drizella was so mean to her that day because she borrowed shoes without asking. So when she came to the table Drizella said, "Hello CINDERELLA!" and laughed so loud her plate fell off the table and broke. Anastasia is her little sister, so she started laughing too. Then, Ella lost her temper. She started screaming and yelling. Ever since then, I have not felt sorry for her cleaning. To this day they still call her Cinderella.

Every morning I wake to her screaming at Drizella and Anastasia. How horrid! I tell you, horrid! She comes down to the breakfast table all grumpy and mad. She stomps off after breakfast and goes up to her bedroom and stays up there for like, two hours, doing who knows what. When she comes out she washes the windows and does the dishes and then she's done for the day. That's all she can "handle" at least that what she says. Even though she did five times that when she was five. But I never get mad at her because I just think about how horrible it would be to lose my father.

One day when she was about ten or eleven she made breakfast. After, the girls threw up all over the kitchen, and so did she! We made her clean it all up. She was so mad. She spent the rest of the day up in the attic and she still does. The rest of us hate it up there, it's full of cobwebs and rodents and gross stuff like that.

I wish I knew what's on her mind, it would certainly be helpful.

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