Chapter 1 - Drizella

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I woke up exhausted,

"Turn on the lights!" I heard Cinderella scream. I ran over to the light switch, *click*. It turned on. "Ahhhh! Who turned the lights on?" Cinderella shrieked. I quickly turned the lights off. "Don't turn them off now, it's too late!" Cinderella said hopelessly. I turned them on and walked over to Anastasia's bed. Anastasia is my younger sister. She has orange hair and green eyes. She is really pretty. Her hair is much prettier than my straight brown hair. Cinderella is our half-sister. Her father was married to our mother but he died on a long journey to the palace, so that's her excuse for everything. I'm the oldest so I think it's my job to take care of Anastasia.

"Wake up!" I whispered, to Anastasia, shaking her shoulders.

"Mmmmm..." she moaned rolling over, still sleepy.

"Can you please stop screaming! I'm trying to sleep." Cinderella said, clearly pretending to be agitated. I could tell she was faking. She usually woke up before any of us. I can always hear her humming in the bathroom. She thinks I'm not awake.

I held in my laugh. Anastasia giggled a little.

"What are you laughing at, you carrot head!" she screamed and threw a pillow at Anastasia. It missed her and hit the window with a loud thud, nearly missing a red flower vase. Anastasia fell silent and turned away madly, she grabbed her day clothes and ran out of the room hysterically crying. Cinderella could be okay when she was in a good mood. This morning she definitely was not in a good mood. I feel like maybe she is traumatized by her parents' death, or she is hiding something else, something much bigger.

"C'mon, that wasn't really necessary," I said without thinking at all.

"You know what else wasn't very nice? My father dying! But you don't care, do you? You don't even know what that feels like. Because you get everything you want in your life!" she yelled running off.

I was left alone in the room, I stared at my feet. I sighed and grabbed my day clothes, then I realized Cinderella had taken my yellow day dress without asking. That brat!

"Cinderella, give me my dress right now!" I screamed, but Mother had to appear right then. She walked up the stairs and glared at me.

"She lost her father and you are not supposed to let her have a comfortable life," she said, frowning.

"But she stole my dress! What am I supposed to do?" I tried to get an answer.

"Than get it back quietly! It is still so early," she said.

I walked up to the bathroom, Cinderella slid the dress under the door and screamed,

"Leave me alone!" I jumped back because I wasn't expecting a scream. But through her anger, I could hear the sadness, so deep it almost made me feel bad for her.

"Just stop," Cinderella said through tears. I couldn't move, had I really made her cry?

"Bring me my black flats," she said loudly, trying to hide her sadness. I felt bad, but I can't just be her servant. "Be nice to her, her father died!" the sentence bounced around in my brain. All of the staff used to say that all the time to me specifically. I guess they wanted me to act like her older sister. I wish everyone could be with Cinderella all the time so they would know what she was really like. 

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