Chapter 4 - Alice

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I've had a crush on Prince Benjamin for three years now. I don't know if he knows that I like him, but if he does, I hope he likes me too. I've worked in the palace for six years, I was ten when I started. At first, I was a seamstress, now I'm the prince's maid. Whenever I'm around him I always blush, I just can't help it!

The morning that the king announced that he was going to have a ball my heart fluttered, I was so excited! I rushed into my room and ran to my desk. Since I had worked as a seamstress, I could sew beautifully. I looked at all of my designs. "No, no, no, YES!" I said to myself. I looked at the sketch. A pink, curvy dress with a small V neck. I loved it. I looked over at the pile of fabric next to me blue, red, purple, no pink! No way! I walked down the stairs to the king's office to ask him for some pink fabric. Then I realized only princesses were invited to the ball! I had to tell the prince my idea to invite all the maidens in the land! As I approached the grand doors of the King's office, he came out with a long list.

"Alice!" he said in his rushed in with an angry voice. "I was just about to ring for you. I need you to give this to the prince immediately!" he said

I stuttered. "Wait but-"

"No buts he needs to see it now!" He slammed the door right in my face.

I walked back up the stairs to the prince's bedroom. The prince had three main rooms, his bedroom, his dressing room, and his office. I rushed into his office where I knew he would be, probably studying for when he would rule the kingdom although, that wouldn't be for many years. I knocked and then poked my head into the prince's office. I looked around but he wasn't anywhere in the room. "Hmmm, he's not here," I said to myself quietly. I wandered out of the office, wondering where he could be. The bedroom! I thought. I stuck my head into the bedroom, knocking at the same time. He was there, sitting on his king-size bed. I started to blush as I walked up to him. Past his couch and his mirror and then, I slipped on the list it flew over my head. I approached his bed all tangled up. I blushed even harder. He could probably tell.

"Oh my," he said, looking worried. He came over and helped me untie myself from the list. My cheeks were on fire!

"This is the list your father made for the grand ball," I said.

"Already. May I see?" he said furrowing his brow. I loved it when he did that, it was so cute.

"Well, they're all princesses and they're all rich so there's really no point in looking," I said talking a little to fast. "What if, to make your grand decision easier, you invite every girl in the kingdom to the ball, even the maids!" I said hoping he would like my idea.

"Well, maybe let me think about it," he said smiling. I think he liked my idea!

"Excuse me, can you please tell the painter I am ready for my portrait," he said, standing up.

"But of course, your majesty," I curtseyed but I didn't know if I should expand on my idea or not, so I just kinda stood there. Benjamin cleared his throat. "Oh, sorry your majesty," I scurried off beaming. He might actually do it!

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