Chapter 14 ~ Plans and People

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Sooo once again I don't have much to say...

Don't hate me too much >_

Oh and there is a lot of p.o.v changes in this so sorry

Aiden's p.o.v

To my own horror I woke up again the next morning. I wasn't dead, I wasn't gone, I was sadly still living. Now that I'm without Gage there really isn't any reason to live. He was my love, my heart, my world.

I really hate it here. My new master just keeps me locked up in this damn cell all day. There are no windows, no bed. Just a torn up blanket and a locked door. The only time the door opens is when master needs a drink or a sexual task.

I just pray to god that Gage is still looking for me.

Zack's p.o.v (for all of you who don't remember, Zack is Aiden's older brother)

My poor baby brother. It's been over two months since he disappeared and I still haven't stopped searching. All the police pronounced him dead, but I refuse to believe that. Aiden is strong and I just know he is still alive.

When Aiden went missing I fell into a chronic depression. As children, Aiden and I were extremely close, and still are...well were.

As of currently I was sitting on my couch flipping through the newspaper, looking for any news of my brother. I sighed heavily as I reached the back page. Still nothing. All of the police have given up on him, but I won't let my hopes down. Not now, not ever.

I was brought out of my thoughts by a knock on the door. How the hell could that be? Maybe it's someone with news on Aiden!

I quickly jumped to the door and opened it revealing a blue haired boy with a smirk on his face. I've never seen him before.

"Hi there" he chirped. "I'm Sky and you are Zack, right?"

"Uh yeah that's me" I answered, wondering who the hell this kid is. I don't think I've seen him before, and I don't think I wen to school with him either.

"I have information on the whereabouts of your brother, Aiden"

W-what? M-my brother? He's safe! I knew it!

"Where is he!?!?" I basically screamed in Sky's face.

"Just follow me and I'll show you" he said, the same smirk never leaving his face.

Should I trust him? I mean sure he's a stranger, but he knows where Aiden is. I guess I'll have to take a chance.

I followed Sky out of my apartment and to his car. He held open the passenger door for me and I eagerly climbed in. I can't wait to see my baby brother again.

After fifteen minutes of driving in forests we come up to an old Victorian house. I climbed out of the car and was about to ask what we were doing, but before I could I slipped into darkness.

Sky's p.o.v

Well I might not have Aiden, but I do have the second best thing. I picked up Zack off of the pavement and carried him into my house. I made my way to the basement and chained him up to the wall. I'm definitely not letting this one go. Now all I have to do is go get Aiden and my life will be complete.

Once again I hopped in my car, but this time headed back toward the slave caverns.

"I would like to speak to Mr. Prattler please" I told the blond receptionist.

She twirled her hair around her finger and chewed on her gum loudly. She leaned over her desk, obviously exposing WAY too much cleavage, and whispered to me "wouldn't you like to do something other than that?" Eww. She bit her lip, trying to be seductive I guess. "I just want to speak with Mr. Prattler" I said through gritted teeth, trying not to loose my temper.

"Why would you want to speak to that old man, when instead you could take me back to your pla-"

"Just shut the fuck up and tell me where he is!" I yelled at the bitch.

"He's in room 27" she grumbled, obviously disappointed that I wasn't interested. I quickly walked to room 27 and didn't even bother knocking, he was already aware that I was coming.

"Ahh Sky it's good to see you agin" Mr. Prattler said, turning to look at me. Instead of responding I just nodded in agreement.

"I have Aiden locked up in room 34 if you would like to see him"

As I was about to walk out of the door Mr. Prattler called after me

"And Sky! Thanks for telling me about Mr. Lockhart's little relationship"

Evil evil Sky. Telling Mr. Prattler about Gage and Aiden just so he can have Aiden all to himself.

Zack is back! :D .........but Sky kinda kidnapped him also >_

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