Chapter 12 ~ Mistakes

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So guys I'm so sorry I haven't uploaded in forever! I've had major writers block D: Thank you though for helping me reach almost 3,000 reads!!! Holy macaroni thats amazing!!Here is the overdue chapter 12!!

Gage's p.o.v

That was..."

"Amazing" he finished my sentence breathlessly before I could.

He let out a long yawn and rubbed his eyes.

"Tired babe?" I asked him and he just sleepily shook his head. He nuzzled his head into my chest and closed his eyes.

"I love you" I whispered into his ear as sleep overtook him.

I woke up the next morning with Aiden still in my arms. I gently removed my arms from around his waist and stood up. I quickly made my way over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of clean boxers then made my way into the bathroom. I turned on the hot water and then stepped in. My mind wondered to what me and Aiden did last night. It was...magical. The way he screamed out my name and held onto me tightly. While I was in the middle of my memories the bathroom door opened and then the shower curtains, revealing a bed/sex haired Aiden.

He stepped into the shower with me and wrapped his arms around my neck, giving me a quick peck.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him.

"My ass hurts like hell" he responded, making me chuckle.

"It's not funny!" He whined, pulling away from me and lightly slapping my chest.

I silently chuckled and muttered a sorry so the big baby would stop.

The rest of our shower went by and before you ask NO we didn't do anything dirty. Gosh ya bunch of pervert. We just did what anybody else would do in a shower.

Today Aiden and I decided on just staying home and being lazy all day. So instead of my usual jeans I opted on a pair of sweats, and so did Aiden. Might I add that the way his sweats hung loosely on his hips looked pretty damn sexy. They hung dangerously low revealing a small little happy trail in between his pants and shirt. This boy was going to drive me insane one day I swear of it. And yet he has no clue that he does these things to me!

"Gage?" Aiden called from down the hall in the living room.

"What is it babe?" I yelled back from my study.

"Err somebody's at the door. A guy in maybe his mid 50s?"

"Coming! Just one minute!"

I put down my book that I was reading and made my way into the hallway then to Aiden.

Making my way over to the door I peered through the peep hole.

"Oh shit" I cursed under my breath.

The man on the other side of the door proceeded to knock again.

"What? What is it?" Aiden questioned.

I rubbed my hands over my face and called out "one minute"

"That man is the equivalence of a police officer but for vampires. I completely forgot that twice a year he comes by to check up on each vampire household." I explained.

"And why is that such a big problem?" Aiden asked confused.

"It's a big problem because you're human! You're supposed to be my slave and I'm not supposed to treat you kindly! If he finds out that I'm not treating you like a slave then he'll send me to jail and probably drink you dry! That's the big problem!" I whisper-yelled to Aiden, still very aware of the man on the other side of the door.

"Umm...err...oh! I know! Why don't you just treat me like your slave until he leaves!" Aiden exclaimed proudly.

"We'll it seems like we have no other choice," I sighed "Don't forget, call me master, don't speak out if turn, and only do as I tell you. Okay?"

Aiden simply nodded his head as his answer.

"Good. Now go get dressed into some normal clothes and wait for me to call you down."

And with that he scurried up the stairs to go get changed.

With sweaty palms I opened up the door and put on my best fake smile.

"Hello Mr. Prattler, what a pleasant surprise to see you here" I said as sweet as I could and offered him to come inside.

He nodded his head and slipped off his black jacket, hanging it on a nearby peg.

"As you already know I am here to check up on you and your household Mr. Lockhart. So lets get started."

I took Mr. Prattler through all of my mansion, somehow being able to avoid Aiden's room, and so far everything was going great. We were now back in the study sitting by the fireplace while he asked me basic questions such as "Have you turned anybody this year?" and "How many have you killed this year?"

But then he got to the question that made my stomach sink

"Do you currently have any blood slaves?"

"Uhh yeah. I have one actually." I mumbled nervously. Hopefully this works.

"Will you call him down please?"Mr. Prattler asked whilst re-adjusting his glasses.

"Uhh yeah sure" I muttered

"Slave!" I yelled and heard the thudding of Aiden's feet against the stairs before the door to the study opened.

"Yes master?" Aiden asked in a very formal tone. If he keeps it up we might just be able to pull this off.

"Come over here" I ordered "Mr. Prattler would like to take a look at you"

He followed my commands and walked over to where we were sitting.

"You sure picked you self a good one Gage" Mr. Prattler said standing up to exam Aiden more closely, "He smells delectable and sure is cute"

The next thing I know Aiden is up against the wall with Mr. Prattler groping him roughly. So rough that tears were falling out if Aiden's eyes.




What's gonna happen to Gage and Aiden's relationship now that Mr. Prattler knows?

You'll have to wait until the next chapter to figure out c;

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