Chapter 6 ~ Revealed Love

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Hey guys it's me! You: "Well no duh who else would it be?" Anywho here is chapter 6! Enjoy! Get ready for some Gaiden love! Not love making but love. But how ironic is that? Put their names together and get Gaiden and yes that will be their couple name :p Haha get it? Gay-den?

This chapter is dedicated to the amazing Sheni_Von_Monroe because she is an amazing fan and a great person so go rape her fan button now or I'll send Sky to come stalk/assassinate you.

Well anyways chapter 6 awaits you!

Aidens p.o.v

I can't believe I just kissed Gage. His lips were rough, unlike a girls. But I don't even know what that feels like so.... There were defiantly sparks flying between our lips and I hope Gage felt them to. I stood on the other side of the kitchen chewing on my last piece of pancake. Yummy! I swallowed the delicious goodness and longed for more. My eyes then focused on Gage who was staring at me. My face burned and I looked away "W...why are you stating?" I asked him nervously. His response had my heart beating fast and my eyes rimming with tears "Because you're they most gorgeous thing to walk this earth. Because even though you're supposed to be my slave I'm attracted to you in ever way possible. Aiden you are just pure perfection wrapped into a tiny little body. I can't deny these feelings anymore so Aiden, will you do me the pleasure of going on a date with me?" I could tell that he was anxiously awaiting my answer. I looked up into his eyes and lost it. That was the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me. Tears poured out of my eyes. And not just a little bit either, more like tsunami tides in my eyes( hehehe Ed Sheeran reference. Sorry couldn't resist).

"I...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked that. I should've known you weren't ready. God I'm such an idiot" Gage kept rambling on and I was sick of it so I did the only thing I could think of to shut him up. I smashed my lips into his. It took Gage a few seconds to recover from his shock but then he kissed me back eagerly. The kiss started out slow and sweet but quickly changed once Gage wrapped my legs around his waist and pushed my back against a nearby wall. Both of my hands were tangled in his soft brown hair while one of his hands held onto my lower back and the other on my neck pulling me deeper into the kiss. Our lower halves brushed against each other amusing us both to lean our heads back and moan. I felt his tongue skim across my bottom lip but I decided to tease him and leave my mouth closed. I felt his hand move lower down my back. What is he AH! His hand gave my bottom a sharp squeeze and I gasped. Gage took this as an opportunity and shoved his tongue into my mouth. Both of our tongues wrestled for dominance but Gage ended up winning.

After a few more minutes of passionately kissing we both pulled away breathless. Both of our foreheads were leaned against each other, faces mere centimeters apart, pants escaping from both of our mouths. "Yes" I whispered in between breaths. He gave me a questioning look "yes? What do you mean yes?" I smiled a bit and then said "Yes I would love to go on a date with you"

I guess Gage forgot that he was the only thing keeping me up against the wall because he jumped away dancing like an idiot. He turned back around and noticed me sitting on the ground rubbing my back. "Oh my gosh Aiden I'm so sorry! Where does it hurt? Are you alright? God I'm stupid" Once again Gage kept rambling on while he helped me up off of the floor. I gave him a quick peck on the lips and replied "Gage I'm fine really" but honestly my ass hurt like hell. I finally was standing all the way up but when I tried to walk I winced in pain. "Aiden no you aren't alright. It hurts you just to walk! Here let me carry you." Gage said with concern in his voice. I denied his help but I guess it didn't matter. Gage already had me up in his arms. I pounded against his chest begging him to but me down but he just kept walking. He finally put me down once we were inside what I was guessing, his bedroom. It was amazing! It was like an aquarium! A flipping aquarium! When I looked back over at Gage he was standing in front of a jacuzzi-tub with a pile of clothes in his hand. He handed me the clothes and said "These are for you. Take a bath and turn on the jets to relax your muscles. Once your done I'll be in the living room waiting for you." and with that he walked out of the room.

I made my way over to the tub and turned the water on. I waited for it to fill up and then turned the jets on. I started giggling because I've always wanted to go in one of these! I stripped out of my clothes and stepped in. HOT! VERY HOT! I quickly jumped out and turned the faucet to cold in attempts to cool down the scalding water. I dipped my foot in the water, being extra cautious, and to my luck it was perfect. The jets soothed my aching body and washed away my cares. I dunked my head under the water for a second then poped back up. I shampooed and condioned my hair then washed my body. I dunked under the water one last time and deciede I better get out. I've probably been in here for a half hour or more.

I quickly dried off and threw on the dark skinny jeans and white v-neck Gage left for me. I then dried my hair as best as i could and ran my fingers threw it a few times. I made my way out of Gage's room stopping to throw my pajamas and towel in the hamper. I made my way down the stairs and when i was at the second to last step i missed the next one and fell face first onto the wooden floor. Gage was next to me in a second helping me up "You have to be more careful" he scolded. I just nodded my head in understanding as we walked into the living room together. Gage laid down on the couch then pulled me down ontop of him. I blushed at the contact, our skin being pressed together, his heart thumping against mine. He wrapped his arms around my back and held me to him. He was giving me soft kisses all over my head. Gage then sat up pulling me onto his lap.He turned me to straddle him and I blushed at the intamate position we were in. He brushed the hair away from my neck and asked "May I?" I just nodded my head and braced myself for the pain.

Gage brought his lips up to my neck and placed sweet kisses up and down it. He held onto my back pulling me closer while I gripped at his shirt. He slowly brought his fangs up to my neck and sunk them in. I let out a gasp of pain as they sank threw my skin. I gripped Gage's shirt tighter as he continued to drink. I kept fidgeting in discomfort and pain but Gage kept going. My vison started to blur and that is when Gage released of my neck. He licked the wound he made then brought his face up to mine. He gave me a quick kiss then asked "How about we go on that date tomorrow?" I nodded my head slightly, to tired to do anything else. Then Gage laid us both down on the couch where we both fell asleep. Gage's arm wrapped around my tiny waist and my head snuggled into his chest.

Sky's p.o.v

I slowly pulled up the window and crawled in making no noise. I silently made my way into the living room and watched as they slept. Damnit! There is no way I can take him with Gage right next to him. I slowly stalked off back to the open window. Guess I'll just have to wait.

Well there you go! Chapter 6!

Over there is the awesome bedroom ->

Next chapter will be the date!!

What's sky up to? That evil little vampire.

Well comment, vote, fan and see you at chapter 7!

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