#14 Monologue of Fuka Kiryuin and Traitor "Part 1"

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Monologue by Fuka Kiryuin

There are no colors in my world.

There is nothing to be absorbed in, nothing to be moved by.

I am bored every day.

I was born and raised in an ordinary family with no problems.
I was not given any games because of my parents' policy, but I was not dissatisfied because I liked to study and exercise.

Studying helped me to accumulate knowledge, and I enjoyed the moment when I could make logical sense of something I had been wondering about.
Whenever I had free time, I would either study or exercise.
By the time I entered elementary school, I was even more interested in various things, and I begged my parents to let me take part in various lessons.

There were cram schools, shogi, calligraphy, tea ceremony, piano, swimming, track and field, soccer, baseball, karate, kendo, aikido, and so on.
I conquered all the lessons I could within my reach.

The number of things I could do increased day by day.
I couldn't help but enjoy it.

At the same time, I was also getting into reading.
What I liked the most were romance novels.
I was intrigued by the unknown feeling of falling in love.

I thought that love must be a very enjoyable thing.
And when it works out, I'm sure you'll be very happy.

At that time, I was still in elementary school, and I had never been in love.
But I wanted to.

I wondered what it would feel like to fall in love.
I wondered when I would fall in love.

I was sure that I would fall in love with a strong, cool, and reliable man who would protect me when he appeared.

That's what I thought.

But there was no such man.

I continued to learn day by day, and before I knew it, I had become better than anyone else.
There was no man who was better than me.
On the contrary, my classmates didn't see me as a woman,because I was much better at sports and studies than they were.

During recess or when we were assigned to teams for PE, I was always assigned with the boys.

When we played dodgeball, the boys would throw the girls from the bottom, but they never showed any mercy to me.

No one told me I was crazy.
No one treated me as a woman.

This did not change when I became a junior high school student.
On the contrary, I couldn't even make satisfactory friends.

In elementary school, there is not much difference in physical ability between boys and girls because girls bodies develop faster than boys.

In junior high school, however, boys bodies start to develop and they become much better at sports than girls, which gives them the feeling that they cannot be beaten by girls.

For me, their inability to beat me in any way hurt their pride, and I was like their natural enemy.

The girls envied and despised me for my excellence.

While spending time in such an environment, I despaired.
I wondered how small the world really was.

That's when I began to prefer being alone.
I just keep being me.
I don't need the people around me to appreciate me.

Perhaps because of this, the school recommended a certain high school to me as a student.

The Advance Nurturing High School
It was a prestigious school that was rumored to guarantee a bright future through education under the guidance of the government.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2021 ⏰

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