the bad boys are always catching my eye (negan)

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"He is insanely hot." I was sat on the couch with Amber, one of Negan's wives, she was in a pretty good mood, so I assumed she had sex, seemed to be the only way these days. "Negan?" She glanced my way, as I nodded. "Yes, god.. what I would do to get a piece of that." She shrugged, "I mean, I guess." I frowned, "Didn't you hook up with him last night?" Oh. Shit. She tried to hide a smile, "Adrian?" She looked at me, "You can't tell anyone!" She whisper shouted, he was hot. I get it, she always went for the bad boys. "I get it, you do you girl." I smirked, as I stood up, before I went over to the window. Negan was stood outside, he was shouting at some of his guys, I couldn't help but stare at him, he was so attractive, he glanced up and he noticed he staring. I looked away, I wasn't one of his 'wives', I was a worker, but sometimes he let me do what I want and boss people about, I didn't understand why, but it seemed that way. It was probably because of Rick, I didn't get he was so hung up on him, for some reason. I head back downstairs, when I heard some noises coming from the closet, I listened against the door, "Fuck, Dwight! Yes!" Sherry and Dwight. Again? God, this shit was getting seriously old. Everyone was getting laid behind Negan's back these days, it was standard. He wasn't the esteemed leader than you'd think, he clearly didn't have his priorities straight. I needed to make him see me, because he didn't really pay much attention and I had to show that I was serious, I needed to be seen in this.

I pull off my jacket, as I readjust my bra, my boobs on show, my jeans were very tight, I tied my hair back as I headed outside, Negan's eyes widened as he saw that I actually had assets to show off, but I would make sure he damn saw what I got. "Holy shit." I heard him whisper, feeling so many eyes on me as once was pretty intimidating, but I felt sexy as fuck at the same time, I had the power up in this bitch. Me. I didn't belong to any man. "How are you doing today, beautiful?" I heard a man from behind me, I look back, he was in no way my type, but he wasn't that bad. And I wanted to piss off Negan, so this would of been golden. "Better now I've seen a friendly face." I smirked, as I got closer to him, he smiled, his eyes moving to my lips as I ran my hands down his chest. This was perfect, I had him right where I wanted. "What are you doing tonight? Maybe you can join me." I heard a loud crash, I turned to see Negan, gripping Lucille so tight that his fist was white. Shit. "You gonna fuck with my girl, man? Right in front of me?" He growled, shit. "No- no, sir." He backed off, as I ran a hand over my hair. "Negan, stop. It was my fault." I grab onto his chest, letting the guy get away, "You wanna fuck with him right in front of me? You wanna see me angry?" He snapped, looking down at me. "I didn't think you'd care." I looked away, "Well, I do. You ever- ever do that shit again.. I won't be so hesitant to bash his head in." He turned as he walked away.

I take a deep breath, before I watch him leave. I didn't know what else to say, I was shocked at his reaction. That evening, I sat in his bedroom, as he came out of the shower in just a towel, he looked away, as he takes it off, he was completely naked. I looked away, as I tied my hair back. It was a weird silence, I wasn't sure what to say to him. I turned back, he was in his boxers and a shirt, he sat opposite me, his back to mine as I understood. I stand up, before I went into the bathroom, I shut my eyes, as I take a deep breath. Shit, I'd really fucked up this time. I take a second, before I came back inside, he had his back turned away, he was reading a book, I couldn't tell what it was. I slowly take off my jeans and bra, before I lay down to face his back, I stared for a little while, I wanted to hold him, I wished I could, but I knew I had made him mad, even after all of that. I turn on my back, staring at the ceiling, as I turn over, away from him. I shut my eyes as I curled up, I didn't realise how awful I'd feel until now, laying like this. He sighed deeply, "Doll, c'mere." His voice caught me off guard, I turned back to him, as he pulled on my waist, my body against his. I wrap my arm around his chest, as he watched me. "I'm sorry." I whispered, "I'm in love with you." He told me, I glanced up at him, "What?" He turned to face me, "I found out, doll."

"Found out what?" Shit. I was going to get my ass beat. "About Amber. Dwight and Sherry. I know all of the shit that went on. And you knew it too." His eyes never leave mine, "I didn't want to hurt you, Negan." He shrugged, "I don't care, y/n. Honestly, I thought I would but I don't. I have no feeling towards them, I just want you. That's why I was pissed about that asshole." I kiss his cheek, "It's always going to be you, Negan. I love you, I've always loved you. Forever, it's gonna be you and me." He smiled, as he kissed my forehead. "Forever." I watch his face, "What do you think it'll be like in five years? Think we'll have our shit figured out?" I laughed, "Absolutely not." I grab his hand, as I shut my eyes. "I love you, y/n." I smile, "Ditto, baby."

Five years went by, after the War broke out, we lost everything. Rick died, I lost my family all over again, Negan got captured, I ran away from the sanctuary. It went to shit, I hadn't seen him for years, I lost all contact with this world, I was all alone. I was heading up the street, when I noticed a figure in the distance. I hadn't seen people for so long, I didn't know if it was a Walker. I slowed down, when I saw the only man I thought had died all those years ago. "Negan?" My voice cracked, he looked so different, I almost didn't recognise him. "Shit, y/n. You're alive." He ran to me, as I hug him tightly, I shut my eyes, as relief filled my body. "What the hell happened?" I look at him, "It's been a damn mess, doll. I spent so long trying to find you, you were right there. All damn along." I kiss him deeply, as he pulled me closer, he smiled. "I promised you forever, right?"

"Forever. This time around."

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