i can go anywhere i want, just not home (daryl/negan)

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"Daryl, where are we going?" I asked, as we both walked through the trees together. "We just need to find somewhere to stay tonight, I think it's going to rain." He walked ahead, as I frowned. We had been together for almost a year, we had both left Alexandria together and swore we wouldn't go back. Too many bad memories, everything with Negan and Rick's death. It had haunted us both, but he changed. He was cold towards me, he didn't care. I stopped, as he looked back at me. "What?" I sighed, "What are we doing?" He seemed confused, "To find shelter, y/n." I shake my head, "No. What is this? You're an asshole, Daryl. Someone has to say it, so I will. You treat me like shit, I'm not having it anymore. Enough is enough. I'm done. You go and find your own, I'll go find mine." I turned and I walked away from him, it actually felt good to do something for myself. We had changed, people grew apart and I had to leave. For my own sanity. "Fine. Leave, see if I care." He started to walk away, as I felt my tears in my eyes. I quickly got away from him, but then that feeling came. Guilt. Regret. I looked back, but I couldn't see him anymore. I sighed deeply, as I just continued to walk on, now I felt even worse because I made him leave. I had no one left, I was really alone this time. I heard running through the woods, when I looked back and I saw Daryl coming back. I quickly rushed over to him, as he ran into my arms. He hugged me tightly, as I held him tighter than I ever had before. I didn't let go.

"I'm sorry- I'm so sorry." He whispered, as he picked me up, as I grip his back. "I need you." I told him, as I heard walking up ahead. He gently let go of me, "Follow my lead, okay?" He grabbed my hand, as we both walked further up ahead. There was a group of men, they looked very familiar. "Oh, would you look at that?!" My eyes widened, as an all too fucking familiar face appeared. "Negan." I grip his hand tighter, as he grinned at me. "Hi, doll. Remember me?" I rolled my eyes, "What the fuck do you want?" Daryl growled, as Negan watched us. "Oh, you two finally got it on, huh? I wouldn't of seen that." I got in front of Daryl, as I got in Negan's face. "You don't scare me anymore." I told him, as he chuckled. "Was that supposed to be scary?" I slapped him in the face, as he looked shocked. "Oh baby, you got some bite. I like that." Daryl grabbed my hips, pulling me back. "Back off, asshole." He pulled me back behind him, as I watched them both. "You think I'm scared of your little pussy girlfriend?" I take a breath. "She ain't my girlfriend. We're just friends." Ouch. Bit harsh. Negan glanced back at me, "That's gotta sting, sugar. Probably not what you expected." I was hurt, that Daryl just tossed me aside like that. "That's why it's his problem now." I throw my jacket down, as I turned and walked away from them. "What the fuck, y/n?!" Daryl snapped at me. "You're a real asshole for letting a dime like that go." Negan spoke, I just smirked to myself and I headed to the roadside. I sighed angrily, as I walked further, still very annoyed.

"You comin' my way, darlin'?" I rolled my eyes, as Negan appeared from nowhere. "Where's Daryl?" I asked, "He left, that asshole has a real bite, doesn't he?" I shake my head, "I don't care, Negan. I just want to leave." He stood in front of me. "Come back with me, can you believe it? The saviors back and runnin'." I stopped, "What?" I did not want a repeat of those times again. "Yeah, baby.. I'm back. Negan.. is back. And this time, I'm takin' all of you shits down. No one survives this round." I almost froze, I felt sick to my stomach. "All that Rick did.. it was for nothing?" He grinned. "Now prick is dead, I'm goin' after public enemy number one.. Daryl Dixon, your little boy crush." I felt like my head was spinning, this couldn't be real. I couldn't let this happen again. "Why? Why would you want that?" He gave me this look, I saw pure evil in his eyes. "Why? Round one.. that was tough. Yeah, we got some good kills.. but the second time around? You're all dead this time. Every single one of you. Mine." I stood back, "Are you going to kill me, Negan?" He laughed, "Sweetheart, no. I like you, I've damned wanted your ass for years.. ain't no way I'm lettin' you go." I heard a gun shot, as I looked down. There was blood. "Negan?" I look up, and I realise I'd been shot. I drop to the road, as Negan ran to me. "Y/n, look at me.. look at me. Hey." He held me, as I look at him. "Don't do this, I'm begging you." I whispered, as he looked down at me. "This war never ended, doll. That's how it works now, this is the new world. And you'll be part of that. With me. As my wife, by my side. You hear me?" He kissed my forehead. "If you do this, you will die. Do you understand? You will die, Negan. Don't make the mistake you did back then, you learn from it. You move on, don't you dare start this up again. It won't end well for you. And remember, you're better than this." I pick up my gun, as I held it to my forehead. "No! No, you don't- y/n, please. Don't you fuckin' dare." He grabbed it, throwing it across the road. "I need you, don't you dare." The tears filled my eyes, as he sat me up. "I'm taking you back to the sanctuary. The doctors will patch you up, alright? And then, it's game time. I have to do this, I'm sorry, Angel." He picked me up in his arms, carrying me as I slowly closed my eyes. When I woke up, I was back at the sanctuary. I looked down, my side was bandaged and I was still alive. I remembered everything, Negan was bringing back the saviors and we were fucked. Truly. I look over, seeing Negan by the window. "Why are you doing this?" I asked, he turned to look at me. "Why? The job isn't done, doll. It's not done, I have to make it right. It's on me, to make this world pure again." I shake my head, I pick up a gun and aim it at him. "Take it back." He looked at me, shocked. "Y/n." I shake my head, "Don't do this, think about Rick. And Carl. What would they think of this? You're a traitor and I don't trust you."

"Baby, look at me." I slowly step back, as I knew I couldn't be a part of this. "I'll haunt you for the rest of your life, Negan. Remember that, I'll never leave. I'll never, ever leave. And I'll be watching." I put the gun inside my mouth, before I shoot myself in the back of my head.


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