in the stars (negan)

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I'd taken Rick's death badly, for years I felt resentment for how I'd left things. I was angry, that he was gone and I couldn't change our last conversation. How angry I was, that I wished he would leave. And it still hurt, I couldn't let go of the past and I didn't want to. My heart was still back where it was six years ago, I couldn't move forward. I stared out at the fence, the walkers clawing at the metal as I felt my vision blur with tears. I stand up, before I slip through the barbed side into the woods. I walked ahead, as I heard talking up ahead. I stopped, hiding behind a tree. "I don't fucking care, alright? Just shut up." I glance over, seeing Negan with some guy I'd never seen before. Was he a savior from before? "You're so certain she's here. She's probably dead." Negan grabbed his throat, "You talk about her like that again, I'll kill you." He shoved him away, angrily as I watched. I hadn't seen of Negan for a while, well over a year, maybe even longer. It actually felt good to see someone that I knew, it had been so long since I'd seen any of my family and he was the first familiar face I'd seen. For a long, long time. I stay quiet, as I just watched. He looked so different, not like the Negan I'd known back at the start. He seemed almost calmer, no attitude or flirty behaviour, he was broken. I could see it in his face. "You know, boys. We shouldn't make assumptions about women. Especially one like me." Negan turned to me, relief flooding his face. "Holy shit." The guy seemed stunned, as Negan froze up. "Who the fuck are you?" I look at this other guy.

"Just passing through, ma'am." I rolled my eyes, as I lean my hands back on my hips. "How- how are you alive?" Negan was still in shock, I'd never seen him like this. It kind of scared me. "Can you give us a second?" I glance back at him, he nodded and headed up further down the path. "Negan, what happened?" I cup his face, "Hey, talk to me." I whispered, as he leaned into my touch. "I've been so alone." He broke down, as I held him in my arms. "Shhh, it's okay. I'm right here." I ran my hand through his hair, as he sobbed. "What happened? Tell me." I kiss his shoulder, as he just gripped me harder. "Negan, please." I pull him back, as he looked down at me. "It's all gone. The sanctuary.. it's gone. And- and I got out of the Damn cell.. I escaped. Everything I did, to you.. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that I was like that." It was like a light had gone out inside him, the man that I'd always hated for what he did, the flirting, the backhanded comments. He was gone, the man I saw in front of me was just an empty shell of who he was. "Listen to me, okay? You need to pull yourself back. This isn't the end. The past needs to die, we need to move on. I- I need you. I need Negan." He wiped his tears, as he nodded. "Where did you go?" He held my hands, "I left after Rick died." He seemed shocked. "Rick.. what? He's dead?" I nodded, "Six years ago. There was an accident.. the bridge fell. He didn't make it." He looked regretful. "I should of stopped it."

"Rick knew what would happen, Negan. He forgave you, for everything you did. He wanted us to all be peaceful. To be together. We were building a better world for ourselves." He sighed deeply, as he snapped out of it. "I treated you so badly, for those years. I was an ass." I shake my head, "I kind of miss him. Maybe he'll be back one day." I nudge his shoulder, as he smiled. "You think so?" I kiss his cheek, "I'm counting on it. Dig deep, Negan. Bring him back, for me. Do it for me. Come find me when you do." I let go of his hand, "How do I find you?" He called out, "Go back to the start, Negan!" I shouted, as I ran back into the woods.

Months had gone by, I was hanging about the sanctuary and I'd waited for a long time. I was starting to give up, maybe he wouldn't come back. I sighed, feeling fed up as I grab my bag and head back to the highway. "Where the hell are you goin', darlin'?" I stopped, my heart beat increased as I slowly turned back. Through the smoke, I could see a figure. "Negan?" He looked at me, that signature black leather jacket tight against his arms, Lucille resting over his shoulder with that slick back hair. "Did you miss me?" He smirked. I smiled, "Welcome home." He grinned at me.

Oh, this was going to be a fun year.

(Part 2? Who's up for bad ass Negan making a comeback?!)

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