Chapter 4

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   I woke up witht my head punding. I tried to stand up, but I fell over becasue I couldn't focus and I was dizzy...

   I finally managed to look around without feeling nautious. As I looked up, I became extremely tense. "This is..." The walls were torn all around the edges of the wallpaper and the centre had various slashes and marks accross it. There was a small, stained-with blood?- in the corner. The ceiling was chipping and the floors' cement was all broken up. There was a small sink in the corner, but it obviouslly didn't work because the pipe was ripped out from underneath it. The sink was on the wall next to a small toilet that was molded on the toilet seat. I slowly turned around to face what I had been dreading- The old, rusted bars of an asylum.

   The memories of this place- and its patients- came flooding back to me in a whir.

   There was Paul, who had died in his sleep. Personally, I don't think it was natural. He had been sneaking around for weeks before; he always looked like he was drugged. His eyes were red and baggy, his usually gorgeous black hair in a mess and his clothes days old.

   There was also Jayden, a totally insane girl. She had schizophrenia and was always seeing things. She was never at ease, her visions never left her alone. In the end, she ended up bashing her own skull in against the wall.

   After her came yet another girl named Talia. She was the worst of all of my patients. She thought she was schizophrenic as well, but she let her visions control her. Over several weeks, Talia managed to get a stone out from the recess area. After she had the stone, she took her silverware from the cafeteria, even though they were only plastic. She started wearing down the pipe that connected the water line with her sink with the knife and spoon. When those broke, she took more from the cafeteria. Eventually, after several spills from the pipe, Talia yanked the pipe away from the sink. She used the stone to break the pipe in half and sharpened it into a jagged-edged knife. After Talia had finished, she snuck the knife under her rain jacket and took it out to the recess courtyard. when everyone was heading back into the main asylum, she grabbed whoever she felt needed a thorough beating and lead them into a seperate room in the basement. Usually they were boys, so she could easily suduce them; she was very attractive. Not to mention during her time in the asylum, she drew a strong case of anorexia, so she was very skinny. After she dragged them into the basement, she hopped ontop of her victim. she took her knife and shoved it in the crook of the elbow and forearm, and made a straight cut downward to the middle finger. She repeated this on the other side. She then made several cuts amoungst their arms and legs in whichever pattern she chose for the day. The scary and sad part about her was that she was an amazing artist. The blood always stained on the victim in the most magnificent way. She eventually cut the throat of the victim who has most likely passed out halway through her art session. If Talia really liked you, she would scratch her initials into your back before letting you rot. Talia had only one friend, Nelly. Nelly knew of everything Talia was doing, and she wanted to be a part of it. Talia refused, she said Nelly wasn't bad enough to kill. Did Nelly prove her wrong. One day, Talia finally decided to let Nelly see the basement. Of course, there was tlak of Talia being the one responsible for the disappearances, but no one ever said anything to her. She kept the victims' corpses in the bassement because no one ever went down there; there was a horrible stench from the black mold growing into the worn limestone. Anyway, Nelly took the knife from Talia and stabbed her with it, several times. The first was straight through the middle of the eyes, and so was the last. Nelly came back upstairs screaming, "I KILLED HER! I DID IT! SEE, I AM BAD ENOUGH!!!" then she ran out the doors of the asylum. No one knows what happened to her, and no one tried to stop her from leaving. She was psychotic, screaming she just killed her best friend with her friend's own knife, and was happy about it.

   The huge question now is, why am I in Talia's old cell? Why did Trent do this to me? I have to get out of here...

   That's when I see the large lump in the corner. I start freaking out. I slowly move toward the lump, very cautiously, and poked it. It didn't turn over, but it deflated slightly. The light in here was  lacking to an extreme; I could barely see in front of me. I turned the lump over, thinking it was an old coat or something. Somewhere in the asylum, someone was screaming bloody hell. As I looked into the face of Nelly, her eyes sunk deep into her head and Talia's knife in between her eyes, I realized I was the one screaming.

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