Chapter 11

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   As I was sucked into the dark, pain and fear began to take over. The further my body entered in it, the more I began to sting. It was like my entire body was being pricked with needles. I couldn't scream- some force was stopping me from letting any sound escape. Right before my head was submerged into the pool of darkness, I shut my eyes. Wrong move.

   My entire body was now trapped. When I tried to open my eyes, I couldn't. I couldn't move. I couldn't feel anything but the pain of being alive. My eyelids slowly began to curl upward. Needles were lodged into them and they stuck, not touching my eyes whatsoever, so I wasn't able to blink. Or look away.

   The scene that played out in front of me was intoxicatingly vile. People, all scattered around the walls, were engrossed in blood. Blood was caked on the floor- specifically in the corners- and pasted to the walls. Several of the people had some their stomachs ripped out, the blood and gore fresh from being spilled onto the hardwood floor.

   My vision was suddenly obscured by the ugliest thing I had ever seen. A face of some sort, I won't ever be able to tell if it was human or not, was in front of me. Both eyes had skin over them, and they bulged at least an inch out of its head. Its mouth was open, exposing its torn gums and extremely sharp teeth. Each one looked as though it was as sharp as a knife. It barely had a tongue, and I just assumed that it accidently bit its tongue off one day while gorging on human remains. The thing was making a noise- a noise I won't ever be able to describe or try to synthesize- it was extremely high-pitched, nasally, and sounded almost harmonic, in a sick an twisted way.

   It was inching closer to my face, and I couldn't shut my eyes. I could hear it speaking to me, calling for me, as if it was speaking in a horribly wretched code that only I couls understand. It was saying:

   "You will pay. For EVERYTHING you have done. Talia knows all... she SEES all... she can tell you're scared. She knows about Trent. She knows you were in love with him, too. She heard everything you told him about her. Contrarywise, she heard everything he said about YOU. But I am not one of Talia's creations. No, I am one sent straight from Hell. I've been past Hell, though. They couldn't contain me there. You're not messing with a stupid little girl anymore, Emma. You're digging yourself deeper and deeper into a pit of doom. Hell, you're killing yourself. Your state of mentality has begun to fade away, to dissipate. Before long, you'll be completely and utterly insane. But, if you come with me, and allow me to take your soul, you can be at rest. You will forever live in peace and tranquility. You will never be harmed, and no one will ever be able to touch you. You will be happy. So please, allow me to do the honours..."

   The thing lunged forward and opened its jaws ever further. I tried to avoid it, and I tried to tell it off, but it wouldn't let me escape from its invisible grip. I couldn't breathe and I began to hyperventilate. The thing came closer, and darkness began to toy with the edges of my vision. I could smell smoke, and it began to sneak down my throat and choke me.

   "He-l-lp," I just barley uttered the word and instantly the thing was gone, leaving a trail of dust and a spear that clanged onto the floor.

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