Pt 4

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Just an note! I think that Asa would look like this while she is still a kid but just with longer red hair.

Asas POV:
I woke up and groaned because  I was still tired from yesterday's trading. I got up and walked into my bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth and I heard my mom downstairs so I went ahead and walked down stairs and I saw my mom cooking breakfast. " good morning mom" "oh good morning Asa did you sleep well?" " yes I did may I help?" " yea of course you can!" We both cooked breakfast and than we sat down at ate than we cleaned the kitchen up and I wanted to go out into the backyard so I asked. " mom may I go into the backyard?" " yes but don't stay out to long we still got to go to lord thirds office today!" " ok mom!". I walked outside and I started to practiced a little tyjusu.(sorry if I spelled it wrong) I was in the middle of doing flying rijin when mom came into the backyard and said it was time to go to lord thirds office. So I walked inside and we walked out the front door together and started to head to lord thirds office. Once we made it to the hokages office and we knocked on the door and we heard a faint come in coming from the hokage himself, kaasan opeaned the door and we both walked into the room and the hokage smiled at us and he started to speak. " kushina your daughter asa is bright like her father and and strong as the both of you combined she in all is going to be a great ninja. I also belive that she will suprass even me before she even turns 16." to say mom was shocked was an understatement my mom turned to me and smiled and picked me up and hugged me so tight that I was starting to not be able to breath "Oi mom I c-cant brea-th" my moms eyes nearly came out of her head she let me got " o-oh sorry little bean im just so proud of you, ya know" I just laughed and smiled and said "im one step closer to being able to protect you dad and the village ya know" I sensed sensei smiling at us so I turned to him and tilted my head and said " ehh sensei whacha smiling at" I said with a smile he was still smiling and he began to speak " asa as I said you are a bright young woman and I belive that you are more than ready to go one b and higher missions and I know its so early in our training but I truly belie that you are more than ready to go on your first mission... and I also belive that you cary the will of fire in you are you up for your first mission?" I was beoned shocked and then I snaped back into realty and I smiled and bowed and said " yes sir im more than ready ya know" he smiled and said " very well come back tomarrow to get your mission and to meet your partner that will be watching over you and helping with the mission" I smiled and said : Hai!'" he smiled and said : dismissed" we knodded and bowed and we left the office and my mom was soo happy and said that im going on my first mission so we went home and me and my mother started to cook and we almost had supper done in tell I frose and my mom noticed me and rose an eyebrow I just smiled and held up 3 fingers and then started to count down and when I got to 1 the front door open and my father yeled out into the home saying " im home" I smiled and I ran to the door and greeted my father " welcome home dad dinners almost ready" he smiled " thank you asa is your mother cooking?" I nodded "hai" my dad nodded and smiled " well I will be right back after I wash up and I heard some great news you can share with me at dinner alright?" I smiled and nodded he ruffeled my hair and kissed my four head and went up stairs.

(little time skip)

i was helping mom set the table and my dad came down the stairs and then kissed my mom and then came kissed my head and then helped with bring the food to the table with me and mom. we sat down and we began to eat and my mom smiled at me "nee little bean don't you have something to tell your father?" i beamed and said " oh yea dad i get to go on my first mission tomarrow and it will be by my self for the most part but i have to have a joinnin come with me to make sure i will be good for missions" my dad was shocked and then he smiled "really asa?" I smiled and nodded. My father smiled and said " well Asa I am so proud of you" that made me smile More and I said " thank you"
Time skip
Morning of mission
Asa POV:
I woke up 1 minute before my alarm I got up and took a shower and got dressed as I was putting my hair in a ponytail my moms came in to wake me up she looked shocked to see I was awake. She smiled at me and said "good morning Asa as soon as you finish putting up your hair breakfast is ready come do at eat ok?" I smiled " yes mom" my mom closed my door and I finished my hair and put on my headband and walked down stairs and when I walked in the kitchen and I saw my mom setting food onto the table and she looked up and saw me she smiled "can you run up to mine and your dad's room to get him please?" I nodded my head and smiled. I turned around and ran up the stairs and I got to my parents room and I knocked on the door and said " dad are you ready? Mom said it's time for breakfast" my dad opened the door and nodded while smiling than he smirked I rose and eyebrow and then my eye widened in a flash my dad picked me up I screamed and laughed I was hanging upside down when my dad walked down the stairs with me on his back. My mom saw this and smiled and shook her head bc this is the normal. We all sat down and ate and I helped my mom put the dishes in the sink before I could start to help wash them my dad yelled " Asa your going to be late come on!" my eyes widened my mom just laughed and kissed my head and said " I'll meet you at the gate ok?" I nodded and ran to the front door and put my shoes on and ran outside where my dad was waiting for me.
Time skip
My father and I walked to the hogkage office and we than knocked on the door and heard a faint come in.
I opened the door and me and my father walked into the room and sensei smiled at us and said " ahh good morning minato and Asa are you ready for your mission today?" I smiled and bowed " yes sir if you don't mind me asking who am I going with because I don't think it is my father?" Sensei smiled and nodded " yes you are right you are not going on the mission with your father you will be going to with Ino-shika-cho or known as Inoichi, Shikaku, and choza they are waiting for us at the gate shall we go?" We both nodded and we all three shushend at the front gate. The ino-shika-cho was waiting for us at the gate along with my mom the smiled and waved at us we did the same in tell Shikaku looked at me and said " you ready" with a smile I nodded with a smile as well.
Time skip my parents have already said goodbye and than me and Inokichi Choza Shikaku jumped into the trees and started on our journey about 12 miles outside of the village I felt a couple of presence that didn't belong to any one I knew I glanced at Shikaku he looked surprised but proud and nodded. Not even a few moments later the ninja came out and attacked us we blocked the attack three of the 12 ninja that I sensed came at me they all three threw Kuni and shuricken at me I dodged all of the attacks and suddenly choza yelled " ASA WATCH OUT" I looked behind me and one of the ninja threw a paper bomb three to be exact I new that I had to get out of there so I grabbed my special Kuni out of my pouch and threw it in a different direction that I knew there wasnt any ninja at and right when it blew up I teleported to my Kuni and I was breathing heavy because I got a little bit Burnt because of the blast I looked at my arm and cursed because it was a little burnt but not to bad than I felt one of the ninja chakra spike and I looked ahead and saw one of the ninja about to attack Inochi and I cursed and grab the Kuni and threw it in the front if inochi that was in the middle of trying to see if I was ok Shikaku's  and Choza's eyes widened and yelled out for Inochi and smiled when they released that I teleported in the middle of Inochi and two of the ninja and blocked them from getting to him I sent the flying in different directions. I was breathing heavy when I turned around not sensing any other ninja they looked at me wide eyed and Shikaku came over and looked at my burns and winched at how painful they looked. Inochi spoke up " we need to get your wounds checked out asa" I smiled " no need I can heal them mostly by myself" and started to heal myself they all looked at me shocked I just smiled at there confused and shocked faces. I finally decided to speek up " I only know the basic of medical ninjutsu so it's not much but it helps a little" Shikaku smirked "that's not the basics of medical ninjutsu" I looked shocked " what do you mean?" I asked confused he just smiled and said "that's as strong a Tsunade Senju" my eyes widened " one of the lendary three sannin" I say shocked they all three nodded. I didn't know what to do so I just nodded they laughed. I healed any cuts that they had and we delivered the scroll and now we are heading back to the leaf village.
Time ship
Shikaku smirked " what wrong Asa you embarrassed" and chuckled " it's not funny that prince was way to weird ya know" I say sorta yelled at him. We was walking into the gates of our village Inochi Choza Shikaku was laughing at my grossed out expression. " he is like 19 and I'm 11 no I'm good ya know" they laughed even harder at that while i pouted we all walked to the hokages office we got to the door and knocked we heard a fair come in. Once we walked in we saw sensei with kakashi " oh are we interrupting something lord third?" Shikaku said than lord third smiled and shook his head no " no we are just finishing up, kakashi you will start your first mission tomorrow morning come here and get your team and information for your mission your dissmised" " hai thank you lord third" sensei just smiled and nodded and kakashi started to walk out and than he turned to look at me in shock because I had on a joininn vest than he when out of the office and closed the door. We turn back to sensei and than we explained how our mission went and to say lord third was shocked was an understatement but he recompose himself and smiled " I would expect that from Asa she is a strong young woman for her age she was able to bet my shadow clone in 5 hours when we were training." Shikaku Inochi Choza where shocked than Shikadai smirked " Asa is than stronger than we expected than lord third" sensei smiled " that she is that she is" than Shikadai smirked again my eyes widened and I turned to him " don't you dare" I told him he just smiled and said " lord third I think that the prince had a little thing for Asa here"  my eyes widened and my hair went up in nine different places " Shikaku-san I'd run" than he took off running and I chased after him sensei and Inochi Choza was laughing at me and Shikaku. I finally caught him and bonked him on the head he whined " troublesome woman" I just laughed and said " that prince was to arrogant for his own good ya know" we got back to lord thirds office and my mom and dad were there looking amused and confused at the same time Inochi just looked at them and said "you don't want to know" they just nodded.  Than lord third dismissed us and we bowed and left once we got out of his office Shikaku,Inochi,Choza turned to me and smiled " I think we should play Shoji together sometime Asa I would like to see who would win" Shikaku said with a smile the others nodded and Inochi spoke up to " I would like to see you to play shoji how about you Choza?"  He nodded with a smile I nodded and said " I would love to Shikaku-san" than we all smiled and nodded Shikaku than turned to my mom and dad " Minato Kushina thank you for letting Asa-Chan do this mission with us she was amazing out there on the battlefield she was so clam and collected out there it was truly amazing for her first mission ever I am proud to say she will be an excellent shinobi." My mom and dad smiled and bowed " thank you for looking after her Shikaku-san Inochi-san Choza-san." They just chuckled and said " your welcome" we all nodded at each other and went our separate ways.
Time skip
My mom and dad and I Arived at home and my mom than turned to me and smiled " how was your mission Asa?" My father asked " it went well for the most part but we did get ambushed though but during the fight I learned flying rijin!" They looked shocked my mom was the first one to speek up " really little bean" I nodded with a smile " I don't know how but sprisingly I was level headed the intros time of the fight" they smiled " well blossom looks like you got my level head during battle" my dad said with a smile and of course I smiled back. We than decided to go get ramen after that we came back home and got ready for bed seeing I was tired. They both tucked me into bed and said good night I smiled and said good night back than as soon as they turned off the light and shut the door I was out cold.

Sorry for the long wait I... to be Honest I have had no motivation to write but I finally got it done. By the way Asa got promoted to joninn before she went on the mission sorry I forgot to mention that but anyway and kakashi was promoted chunin. Any way ja née little Potatoes

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