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Just imagine that's Asa not kushina


I felt chraka move around in my house so I decided to get up and see what was going on. I walked down stairs and smiled when I saw my momma, papa lord third and my uncle jiraiya in the living room talking.

Momma was the only one to notice me I put my finger up to my lips she just smirked and nodded I snuck up behind uncle jiraiya and jumped on his back he screamed like a little girl my mom just laughed really hard and so did I.

After the laughing fit and uncle jiraiya screaming we finally calmed down uncle jiraiya than began to pout because of the fact that I could now sneak up on him without him knowing.

“that was not fair asa you can now sneak up on me without me knowing that's not fair” I smirked “yes it is think of it as payback” he just sulked even more.

Time skip

I decided to go to a training ground and try to work on my chraka  chains and see if I could gain better control of them I felt a presence in a tree about 25 yards in front of me i tensed up but than quickly realized that it was just my momma.

“Hey momma whatcha need?” She just smiled “hunny your trying to hard just relax and focus on feeling your chains and then imagine then moving where you want them to go ok?” I sighed and nodded than I did exactly what momma told me and I got them under control. I smiled than my eyes widened and I fell on my back with a grown.

“ASA! Are you alright” momma rushed to me I smiled and laughed “owwie that hurt, yeah I'm good” she just shock her head and sighed “little bean you used to much chakra” than she giggled and that made me giggle “oops my bad hehe” she shock her head and picked me up and than we started to head back to the house.

Once we got back my dad was in the kitchen cooking when we came in his eyes widened so did Sensei's and uncle jiraiya. “Asa is she alright?” papa asks, momma laughed while I pouted “yes she is fine she just used to much chakra on her chains and now she can't move” “momma it's not funny” I wined she just smirked “come on let's get you something to eat” papa says while my mom walked to the table and set me down on a chair.

I was to busy sulking and uncle jiraiya was laughing at my sulking my mom was laughing at me and uncle jiraiya sensei looked highly amused at me “it's not funny uncle jiraiya mom... ohhhhhh I can feel my toeeessss now... ohhh oops hehe” sensei looked even more amused and was now chuckling and uncle jiraiya was full on laughing so was momma and papa just shook his head with a smile.

Time skip

I'm in the hokage's office standing in front of Sensei's desk as he is giving me a mission. “Alright your mission is to take out these rouges and rescue the princess.” he states leaving me to nod “hai hokage-sama when will I leave?”  I ask ready for the mission. “right now your dismissed...and Asa?” he asks as I turn around “yes hokage~sama?” I ask turning around to face him.

“be extremely carful do you understand this is all riding on you I am trusting this mission to you and you only so you must be carful do you understand me asa I don't want you to get hurt” I smile “hai I will be extremely carful see you when I get back” sensei smiled “remember after you have rescued the princess take her to the clans village immediately” I nod and answer with a snort “hai.”

I teleport to the gate when I got there my momma and papa were at the gate waiting for me. “ehhh what are you guys doing here” I ask confused making them smile. “We are here to see you off after all this is your first mission alone is it not?” I sighed and shook my head “yeah” they both smile softly and I can see worry flash in both of their's eyes. “be carful asa alright?” I smile softly “Momma hokage-Sama has already drilled that into my head.” momma chuckled.

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