6 there's two of you????

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"𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊 𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖒𝖆𝖌𝖓𝖊𝖙𝖘 𝖎𝖓 𝖒𝖞 𝖇𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖘 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖎𝖗𝖔𝖓 𝖎𝖓 𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉."
Atticus Poetry

I wake up and see I'm in some crazy room. it's circle shaped and all around me the walls are water and filled with fish and stuff like an aquarium it's strangle beautiful but I'm like what the fuck . How do I even get in or out of here.

But I guess i'm not supposed to get in or out because im tied to a really soft white chair in the middle of the room. Someone put more clothes on me thankfully, just like a dressing gown or something, because it'd be pretty weird if I was in a bikini tied up right now.

Then i hear creaking and moaning as a platform comes down from the cieling and lands into the room in front of me and on it stands a man.

He's tall and buff, muscles straining against his shirt, with dark hair and green eyes. he looks at me with a smirk through his stubbley face. "Hello Krystal Maria Rose" he says.

H-how does he know my name? then I realise 1. he's the guy speaking russian at me from the beach and 2. he's russian so maybe he knows Xander in some way?

"ugh is this some Weird prank by Xander. I GET it he's mad but this is seriously too much." i roll my eyes.

"Heh....." the man says, stepping off the platform and towards me. from the ground rises a similar chair to mine without ties on it and he sits in it casually. "Lucky for me my brother doesn't know you're here, actually."

Brother? Xander has a BROTHER? why didn't he tell me if he's right on the island. i see it now. Even though he's got super dark hair and different coloured eyes, he's chisseled and sort of beautiful in the same way as Xander. Just different prominent genes i guess.

"wait so does Xander not even know you're here?"

"sure, he knows i'm here, but not that you're here or that I have you. i'm sure he'll figure it out not much sooner, especially since i'm violating the truce our father made us make..." he laughs to himself. "Anyways i'm not gonna keep you for long my business with you doesn't need much time."

"Unlike his business with me," I grumble. honestly despite the situation, i like anyone who Xander doesn't really like and this guy seems like a total nuisance against him.

"Ahahah true, he intends to keep you for...." he leans in a little. "let's just say a while."

"Pffffff don't be generous. he intends to keep me forever or something. I get it. he bought me. Even if there wasn't like an actual contract or anything I mean im pretty sure you can't just buy people."

"heheheh No i suppose not. But he's mafia. Mafia fight for all they want and if he wants you, then well..."

"Doesn't matter if I don't want him." I anger.

"Truth, truth," he says. "either way who's to say how long he can keep his claws on you, even if he tries. Now i know this might seem pretty extreme, this whole gettup, you tied up and all the aquarium fish,"

I look at the aquarium fish and yeah there's a lot of them.

"But i brought you here because I wanna strike up a deal. A good fair deal. OK?" he says standing up and offering me a hand.

"Umm....I can't take your hand anyway I'm tied up."

"Oh haha yeah" he says and Reaches over untying me. Even when he unties me I don't get up and run away I wanna hear him out but I'm still suspcious.

"I'll consider a deal." i say, crossing my arms intimidatingly. I mean business. "Depends on what you want."

He leans back with a I'm-Impressed sort of look on his face. "I want you to be my bug. We'll put little camera and microphone on you and you must keep it safe. what you do then is get close to Xnader, really close, as close as possible, and relay all his secrets to me."

I think for a bit. "And what do I get?"

He smiles, half-schemically and half-genuine. "whatever u want. within reason, of course."

I go hmm and think. "ok. I want you to take me back to home," he leans in and nods. "But with extra conditions. you make sure I get there and stay there safely and change my identity and stuff so Xander can't track me." he nods again. "Also you get me my own cool house."


"just a cool house. I don't want to live with my shitty alcoholic mom. I wanna live a real independent actual like and I'll need a cool house to do it."

Hethinks for a moment, looking unsure.

So i say, "plus i won't do it unless you get me a cool fucking house."

he sighs. "Fine. So we have a deal, Лисичка?" he reaches out his hand to shake it for me.

I smirk and slap his hand quick, taking it in a strong handshake. "Yeah, you have a deal all right."

an: will krystal really betray xander...? i mean his brother is pretty hot so maybe 😉😏

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