10 collaterol damage

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"for your eyes only ... i'll show you my heart"


Suddenly his lips crash into mine, kissing me.

i try to speak but I'm cut off by his tongue entering my mouth, swirling around mine, taking all the breath from my lungs. I'm totally limp. but I remember my deal with Xavier and the garaunteed safety and house and, kicking myself internaly, i kiss back.

Shit.. he's a good kisser and everything. When I do he leans in more, grabbing my face and back of my head pushing me against him locking me in the kiss. But even then I don't wanna stop.

He goes back through the balcony door taking me with him only stopping kissing when we need to breathe. Quickly he's taking me to his bedroom I realise and a feeling of fear hits me but I know i can deal with it. I don't have to....you know....no matter what happens.

We burst through the doors of his room and he stops kissing me to go to his bed. God I thought my room was crazy, but his is huge with the biggest bed I've ever seen. it's all dark but I can still see him move around. I hope the camera is picking it all up.

Maybe Xavier's even watching rn. I shiver at the thought of him seeing (and hearing) all of that kiss.

"you're trembling," Xander says coming up behind me reaching his hands around my waist. I didn't even see him move.

"Uh ya it's cold in here," I say looking around but I'm actually very warm.

"Oh yeah? well it won't be for long." he pulls my hair back so he can see my neck and runs his finger over it. Not gonna lie I feel a warm sensation in my core. god....what is he doing to me.

"STay still" He says and I feel his breath get closer to my neck and warning signs are everywhere around. Quickyl I back out of his grasp and away and see him look surprised for a second.

"I'm not ready," i say faking an innocent voice. "You know...it's just i've never..."

"You've never...?" he says raising an eyebrow up.

"You know...done it."

I'm totally lying but his expression is priceless. he eats my lie right up and looks completely shocked. Then he smirks, licking his lips and says "Don't say anymore things that make me wanna kiss you."

He dives towards me trying to kiss but I step away. I know I'm doing my deal with Xavier so badly right now but I can't help it, i have the major heebie jeebies in this room, locked alone in the dark with the guy who was just about to make out with my neck....


I reach my hand up to my neck on instinct and i see his eyes flare, A dark colour with flecks of red just for a moment. WTF is happening.

"I should go back to the party" I breathe going up to open the door.

"NO!" he dashes up infront of me impossibly fast. "you're not leaving me."

"Get out of the way Xander."

"No. i won't. You're not leaving."

"Get out of my fuc*ing way!!!" I yell and he flinches and steps aside and I push past him as quick as possible and run down the stairs as fast as I can away from him. I don't even look back to see if he follows.

What the hell just happened? One moment we were writing sweet symphonies with our lips, the next he was trying to eat me? Or...bite me? There's no way that this is real

I rush down to the party and people look at me funny and Rick immediately comes up to me, looking super worried. "Krystal hey hey what's wrong?" he says trying to calm me down.

"What the hell is going on where the fuck am I?" I say through my panicked breathing feeling a panic attack come on. Oh god...its been years since i've had one....not again...

"Calm down conejita let me make you sit down, we can have drinks or something."

"No seriously no leave me the fuck alone." I say with my head pounding. "All you freaks leave me alone I want NOTHING to do with you all! You're insane you're all insane!" I yell all the party guests looking at me like I'm crazy. Yeah. Think I'm crazy. Maybe I am.

I stomp out and down the mountain to the beach.

I stand at the sure looking out at the moon on the ocean and the horizon . Maybe I could get a boat or a raft and sail away from here, away from all this insanity, back home. I'd even take my mother over being in a house with a fucking vampire? Or what ever the hell that loser is.

i take deep breaths calmed by the ocean breeze. Maybe I was just imagining it all...Maybe being around all this weirdness has made me go crazy.

Then I hear footsteps behind me and immediately go alert and whip around. Thank god. It's only Xavier standing a bit behind me not intruding on my personal space (king shit fr👑).

"Wh-what are you doing here?" i whisper.

"I saw what happened." he says. He has his hands in his pockets and has a sad expression...probably feeling sad for me. "i'm so sorry, Kyrstal. If I knew he was like that or would even do that I would've never left you alone with him."

Partof me is mad but another part just feels tired and sad. I can't really blame him so I just ask "Was it real? Is he really...?" I say trailing off

"I don't know what he is Krystal. I had suspiscions but I never thought he could be something so..." he also trails off looking like he's thinking very hard. "I should a never left you alone with him."

"it's whatever you didn't know." i hug myself.

"But i knew he could be dangerous. And he still might be. to jeprodize your health for my own needs was the worst thing i could ever do" he walks closer to me looking super intense. "Listen, if you want out of here now, I'll get you out of here. i'll find a home for you somewhere quiet and safe ok? But I dont know if that will stop him from finding you now..."

I think really hard. as much as I'm always thinking about leaving, what do i even have to return to? My dad is dead... my mom hates me... I have no actual friends just street fighting to keep me happy. at least I have people who want me here.

plus I'm curious. Terrified but curious. there's something seriously wrong with Xander and maybe if I got closer to him I could fix...No...figure him out I mean. so I say "No. i'm staying. I'm your best bet at figuring him out right? All you have to do is promise to keep me safe properly ok?"

he takes one of my hands and holds it with both of his super strongly. "are you sure?"

I nod surely. "Yes. I'm sure."

Disappointment or maybe not that but some sort of sadness flashes on his face but he smiles anyway. "Ok, Krystal. i promise."

"Good." I sigh "So I guess i gotta go back in there?"

"I know he doesn't wanna see me so I won't go in, but I'll have guys nearby and I'm always watchin so if he tries anything....it'll be ok is what I mean." he sounds like he's trying to convince himself tbh.

I just smile. "Yeah. Thanks."

So i go back up the mountain...


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