8 an invitation

12 1 0

"Love could be labeled poison and we'd drink it anyways."
― Atticus Poetry

It's been a week since that faithful night...

Xander has beasically avoided me. at first I thought he was just hungover or sad about being hungover, my mom was like that a lot, but then he just really committed to swerving me. I walk into a room not even to talk to him and he walks out. i sit to eat dinner with the guys and he gets up and leaves. It's like a clock. it happens everytime.

Which basically means my options are talk to Xavier through the necklace, which makes me look insane, talk to the other guards, which are super boring, or talk to rick.

Rick would be cool to hang out with if he could take a damn joke. ever since the beach he's been so tense.

"yesss!!!" I throw my controller up after pounding him in another round of mario kart. he throws his controller to the ground.

"not fair," he moans. "Blue shells are bullshit...."

"I'm just playin' the game you crybaby." I do my victory dance and he almost laughs, but only almost.

but then for the first time in the whole week Xander walks in looking me dead in the eye. He looks tired as hell, like a corpse.

"jeez look like someone escaped the morgue..." Seriously he's got heavy eyebags and strong cheekbones, looking skeletal but i'd be lying if he didn't look damn hot. 

He doesn't even acknowledge it just announces. "Ok everyone we are having a huge party tonight. Dress your best or get kicked out."

I look to Rick excited but he looks nervous.

"Yaaas you hear that we finally get to do something actual around here." I punch him onthe shoulder as a joke but he holds my hand.

"you really think this isn't some sick excuse to get drunk around you?" He says.

"No? Jeez Rick you never been to a party? Seriously he's got all this floor space it's about time he used it. And I finally actually get to show off my wardrobe."

Rick deep into my eyes, his brown eyes piercing into my green eyes, digging in my soul. "I don't like it when he drinks around you."

I cross my arms over my chest. "you think I can't handle myself? If Xander gets weird i can deal with it. I always do. plus he's been avoiding me for a week or something if anything this is his excuse to invite hookers over."

rick looks away but still seems mad and breathes out his nose in a huff.

"Anyways you can sulk like the big baby you are. i'm going to pick an outfit." I walk off to my room to go to the closet.

Honestly even though it looks crazy and he can't respond i've gotten into the habit of talking to Xavier through the neckalce because it brings me a lot of comfort. It's like talking to yourself but feels like weird. 

"Hmm...this one? no...this one..."

I pick out a long black dress thats a little transparent for a bit under the boobs with sparkles and crystals around it that's really tight fitting and accentuates my curves and waste. I tryit on covering the necklace so he doesn't see any naked bits and then I look in the mirror. For xavier and to amuse myself I do a couple poses.

the dress:

i do my hair and makeup too like

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i do my hair and makeup too like

With my long glowy brown hair super straight and sleek, not a hair out of place

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With my long glowy brown hair super straight and sleek, not a hair out of place. I don't like dressing up much but damn even i can say I look immaculate. it's a lot unlike black jeans and leather jackets im used to but if it's what I need to seduce Xander than....well....its worth it.

Xavier must be getting a good view with the necklace camera cause of all the mirrors. i pose one last time.

I go out of the closet ready to hit the party when suddenly Xander is standing right in the room, looking me up and down.


He's got a suit jacket and trousers black on with a black shirt unbuttoned for the top buttons so i can see his chest and tattoos peaking out and what can I say. He's stunning, even for a creep. I step back in surprise seeing him and hope he didn't notice.

"Krystal..." he says deeply. "contain yourself tonight ok?"

"WTF does that even mean" I spit quickly angry. "i'm not just another slut for you to control. You know what it still stands I can do whatevr the hell I want. You bought me. Well I didn't want to be bought, and if me fucking some guys is gonna make you real mad i'll do it in a heartbeat."

I immediately regret iut when his eyes go to the necklace and I remember I'm failing Xavier right now. 

"You're breaking my heart...." he says, super sad out of nowhere. Then he walks out like it's nothing.

Damn. if this party is gonna be any fun I'll have to avoid him AND rick. I might as well just sit in a corner and drink till i pass out.

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