Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

When I woke up I felt like shit. And drugged. But mainly shit. Elizabeth was sitting on the chair next to my bed and her face lit up when she saw my eyes wide open.

“You’re awake!” She cried out.

“I wouldn’t call this being awake.” I mumbled and she laughed.

“I made dinner. Do you think you can dress yourself?”

“Dinner? Fucking hell, for how long did I sleep?” It sure didn’t seem like a very long time to me.

“About 20 hours, it’s okay, I’ve slept longer. Your clothes are over there” She winked and with a slight nod left me alone, leaving the room completely. I guess me suddenly sitting up was a good enough sign for her to notice that I could, indeed, dress myself.

I saw a loose black sweats and a t-shirt on the chair next to my desk. When I undressed myself the first thing I saw was stitches on my leg, and then my knees all covered in blue bruises. I also had a huge white bandage all the way from my elbow to the back of my hand. I wonder if my face is just as bad. I sure hope it isn’t, wouldn’t want Lu… no actually I don’t care how he sees me anymore that stupid, cocky douche. I want to look nice because... I just want to. Okay. Yes.

After I was finally dressed I went to the bathroom to examine my face. It wasn’t that bad: a blue bruise on my temple, a little vertical scar on my cheekbone, and the same old scar few inches above my jaw. I’ve seen worse. Okay, probably only on guys, it looks like I’ve been in a fight. Oh gosh, maybe people will think that I’m in a gang! Like a street gang! This is really bad for my reputation. The blue circles under my eyes sure won’t help my complexion. I’m kind of creepy looking actually.

After figuring out that brushing my hair will only make my messy curls disappear, I decided it would be better if I left my face as it is, and went to enter the kitchen.

To my surprise, Elizabeth wasn’t there, but Lucas was. He was currently placing a bowl of, what I suspected was tomato soup, in front of my empty chair. I suppose he had heard me coming because he turned his head. The facial expression he had on changed abruptly as he saw my face.

“Chrystal I’m so sorry.” He blurted. I raised my eyebrows in response. It didn’t seem like he was sorry yesterday. “I shouldn’t have taken you with me, I shouldn’t have let you alone, I shouldn’t have lied and now you’re hurt, and it’s because of me and please just, I’m not used to these things so just forgive me.” Lucas said all of that in one breath so now he was rapidly breathing in and out. I guess somebody is not used to apologizing.

“Stop thinking so highly of yourself.” I said while sitting down “I wasn’t hurt because of you, I was hurt because I fought with that thing. I’m perfectly fine with you leaving me alone, which is what I think you should do from now on, so you don’t have a stal…” I started to say when Lucas cut me off.

“I didn’t mean it! I don’t think that you’re obsessed with me okay? I mean, it’s more than clear that you’re not. I just… I don’t know. Maybe I will some day, but I don’t know why I said those things okay? I don’t usually… do that stuff. I really am sorry, if I could turn back time I wouldn’t say it.” He was pretty close to me looking at me with such intensity that it was getting hard for me to breathe. I closed my eyes.

“If I could turn back time I probably would change some things too, like getting hit by a bus.” I sucked in a breath. “I do forgive you though, I’m not one to hold grudges, it’s nice to know you’re sorry though.” I gave him a smile and took a spoonful of soup.

“Don’t tell me you would have forgiven me even if I hadn’t apologized.” He gave me a doubtful look-over.

“I would have, after a few months of ignoring and torturing you.” I said honestly and Lucas looked at me, clearly amused.

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