Chapter 5

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I woke up to the sound of banging on the front door. I was the only one awake and looked around at everyone passed out on the floor. I sat up feeling Austin and Chris's arms around me, loose and warm. I got up and went to the door still feeling lightheaded I looked through the small gold peep hole that showed who was on the other side. I saw a dude in all black clothes who was tall and skinny with short black hair and tattoos everywhere. "Wow." I said to myself still staring through the door. I realized I had been standing there for about a minute staring before I actually let him in. I sat on the couch getting a funny smile from the dude I had just let in. Austin and Chris were still asleep as I sat in the middle shivering. "Okay everyone is still asleep and you're the only one awake. Weird they're usually awake by now." Said the dude who I still didn't know. I looked at Austin's phone which sat next to him. It read off 8:00 am. "They're r-really up this early e-everyday?" I asked him quietly. He looked at me. "Do I know you?" He asked just staring at me. He scratched the back of his head. I sighed. "P-probably not." I looked down and made myself as small as I could and he stared at me again. "My name's Andy. Andy Biersack. And I am the lead singer in the band Black Veil Brides." He said leaning down to me holding out his hand to shake. I backed up a little because I didn't know what he was about to do.
He smiled at me a big smile and I swear I melted and I just met the guy. His smile was authentic. His smile was beautiful. I love his smile. "I-im Kayy." He smiled at me again. "Alright Kayy, nice to meet you." And we shook hands. I smiled back at him.
"I have to wake all of them up eventually though but for now they can sleep." Andy said and plopped on the floor by Ghosts head.
I just stared as he sat staring around the room. "I came to tell the guys that the concerts for Warped have been canceled today, including their concert." Andy said looking at the floor. I looked at Chris and Austin, chuckling because Austin had cuddled into Chris's back not even knowing it.

"Do you want to hang out sometime?" Andy asked me sweetly. I smiled. " S-sure." I said smiling.
I got up and moved slowly across the room, avoiding stepping on anyone on the floor. "Where are you off too?" Andy asked, watching my every move and looking me up and down.  "I'm g-going to g-get some water." I said whispering and stopping in my tracks to turn and look at him. I crossed my arms over my self and didn't move. Am I even allowed to do this? What am I doing wrong here and why is he wondering so much?
Those were my constant thoughts in those 4 minutes that passed while I stood there. "You okay?" Andy asked as he stood up and walked over to me reaching out to me and touching under my chin. I know he felt me try to jerk away, but it was my reflexes kicking in. He jumped back a bit but did it again. This time he reached up and touched my cold, pale cheek and stoked it lightly with his thumb. I looked up into his eyes and I felt bad for jerking away. "I-I'm fine. I'm S-sorry I just..." I trailed off slowly. He looked at me questioningly and I knew he felt sympathetic. A tear streamed down my cheek because I felt like I had done something wrong. I pulled away gently and walked slowly to the kitchen. I still felt faint and didn't really want to move much.

I moved my head away from him. He looked at me with his tired eyes. He looked like he hadn't gotten a lot of sleep. I looked at the floor; Andy just took my hand a led me to the kitchen quietly.

"Here." he said quietly handing me water and smiling again. "Thank you." I said fluently. I just stopped for a minute and realized that I said thank you without stuttering. Chris walked in. He saw Andy and didn't look very happy. "Yes?" Chris said sternly. Andy looked at him and scowled. "Warped is canceled for the day. Tell the other bands next door will ya?" he said as he started to walk away. He turned around a bit towards me. "We can make those plans soon okay?" he said not awaiting a response. He walked out. 

"What did he say to you?" he asked looking away from me and starting to make coffee. "Nothing much. Just that he wanted to hang out." I said taking another sip of my water and started shivering from the cold air around me. Chris looked beat. He looked really stressed out and anxious. I couldn't shake the feeling that I had something to do with it. 

Once the coffee started brewing, he turned towards me. "Did you say you would hang out with him?" he asked raising an eyebrow. "Well I mean yeah I guess I-I didn't want to say no and make him mad." I said looking at the floor. "I don't think even if you said no, he would've been mad." He said sounding a little irritated. "Should I have said no then?" I whispered looking at him. He looked at me. He looked like he was about to speak, then Austin walked in. "Morning." He said as he yawned. He stopped and looked at us. "Everything okay?" He asked looking at me and Chris repeatedly. "Yeah." Chris said as he turned away. I suspected he wasn't going to tell Austin anything. I was sort of right. "Andy said there's no warped today." Chris said running his fingers through his black hair. "It's okay dude. I'm sure people will understand." Austin told Chris quietly. I stood there watching them talk for 12 minutes. Austin turned around and noticed I was there. "Hungry?" he asked as Chris turned around to look as well. "I'm allowed to eat in the morning?" I asked in awe. They just looked at each other. "Did you ever eat breakfast?" Chris asked me. "No. My brother never fed me much. I was lucky to eat once a day." I said quietly. They both looked at me. They looked back at each other. "Well then um let's get you something to eat." said Austin sounding kind of shocked. 

They both turned around and took a better look at my battered body. I had bruises everywhere, my ribs were showing slightly, I looked like the walking dead. 

"Wow." they both said under their breath to each other. I guessed they really didn't notice anything about me last night. I frowned a little remembering that in all but one night, I could've been dead right now. 

The guy named Ricky walked in. "Goodmorrrrrning!" he bellowed loudly. Chris's eyes popped out of his head. I don't think he was expecting Ricky to come in that loudly. "RICK HOLY SHIT SHUT UP." Chris yelled at him. "I have a fucking headache." he said a lot softer to him, rubbing his eyes with his palms. Ricky looked at him wildly and smiled. He looked over at me. He was about my height, but a lot bigger in muscle form. "How did YOU sleep Kayy?" He asked me smiling widely. "Fine I guess. It was a rough night." I said kind of backing away from him. He frowned a little. He remembered what happened. "Oh yeah." He said kind of sad. "Sorry. I'm always a morning person. I try to brighten everyone's day." he said smiling a little bit and losing eye contact with me. He walked away. "What did I say?" I asked Chris quietly. "It's not you. He has a hard time talking to new people sometimes." He said looking at a cup of coffee he had made himself. "B-But why?" I asked kind of scared for an answer. "He's had some rough experiences with talking to people in the past. Especially girls. Chris said looking over at Ricky who was now out on the balcony smoking a cigarette. Ricky looked sad but sort of embarrassed. 

I felt bad.

I think I like him. He reminds me of myself kind of. I can't really talk to anyone. I'll make it up to him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2017 ⏰

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