Chapter 1

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The moment I woke up, it was so dark around me. I was laying on the cold stone of the basement. I was bleeding again.

I crawled into the corner and pulled my knees into my chest, and that was when i heard him coming back, coming to find me. He was my brother. He once loved me. He once cared for me.

He once killed our parents.

He keeps me in the basement and only feeds me when i do whatever grousum task he has wanting me to do. He came downstairs and tried to find me in the darkness, and my heart started racing, I didnt know if he would see me. I tried to make myself as small as i could hoping he wouldnt find me. He turned around and walked towords the corner i was curled up in and sat down next to me. I jumped a little not expecting that.

He wasnt drunk and trying to rape me again. He was sober. He was being himself..? "Kayy..?" he whispered into my ear. "Y-yes?" I said shaky trying to look at him trough bruised eyes he gave me. He cringed looking at me. He always came to see me after he was sober. He always felt bad. Eventhough he always made me stay in the basement.

It's been 3 years. He's only kept me around for someone to talk to. We used to be best friends. Lately whenever he drinks, he gets angry and comes to find me to do what he pleases.

I was ready to die. I have no way out. I have no way to contact the outside world. I was trapped.

"Ca-Can I g-go upstairs yet?" I asked afraid of the answer. He stared at me and i could see anger through his features. He stood up in front of me and pulled me up so hard that i fell into him. He picked me up and carried me upstairs and threw me into my old bed.

This was the first time in 3 years that i have been aloud upstairs. My eyes hurt from the light from the windows. He laid on top of me. "LOOK AT ME." he pulled my face to look at his. Eventhough he wasnt a very big guy, and he didnt weigh much, he was stronger than me. He could do anything he wanted. I couldnt stop him. "YOU'RE UPSTAIRS! HAPPY YET?" he asked yelling at me and squeezing my wrists. "Y-yes." I whispered trying to hide my head. "Good. Don't piss me off anymore." He said slapping me across the face. "You can stay in your room from now on because i dont want more charges from anyone thinking that i killed you to." He said looking at the wall.

That night after he was drunk and passd out, i took the chance to sneak out my window. The first breaths of fresh air in three years felt good. I ran as fast as i could away from the house, down the street, and to the bridge. It was raining bad outside and i didnt think about wearing a sweatshirt, so i was shivering by the bridge. I just watched the water and realizing when my brother wakes up and comes to find me, i won't be free anymore. I started to cry. I stood up at the edge of the bridge. I was ready to jump.

I heard a car pull up behind me and stop and it scared me to think that it could be my brother. I froze when i heard someone get out and walk over to me. I look over next to me at the strange person i had never seen. He had tattoos on his hands and he was wearing makeup. He also had long hair.

"Hey are you okay..?" he asked about a foot away not daring to get any closer. I looked at him and he saw the bruises and blood all over me and jumped a bit. "What happened to you?" he asked with genuine concern. I started to cry and i looked down at the water. "My brother is what happened to me." i said looking down. "Well come with me and i can get you cleaned up." he said holding out his hand to me. I was afraid to trust him, knowing what trust gets me. I took his warm hand and he opened the door for me and i got in his car. "Wh-where are you going?" I asked quietly. "To the hotel im staying at a few miles away, we can clean you up there okay? Do you have any other clothes?" he asked looking at my torn and bloodstained shirt and pants. "N-no n-none that fit anymore." i said quietly. He looked at me, but i saw he wasnt being creepy doing it, he was trying to see how big i was. "Our merch girl is with us at the hotel, you look about the same size as her, ill see if she will let you barrow clothes okay?" he asked for my approval. "O-Okay, can i ask y-you something though?" i asked looking over at him turning on the heat. "Sure, shoot." he said smiling. "W-what's your name...?" I asked quietly. He looked at me and he saw how scared i looked.

"My name is Chris. Chris Motionless. Nice to meet you!" He said smiling at me. he held out his hand to shake it and i thought he was funny. I weakly shook his hand not meaning to. "What's your name?" he asked me. "M-my name is Kayy." i told him quietly. He looked at me "You dont have to be scared around me hun." He said looking at me for a quick second. "I-I dont know you so well yet." I told him. "I understand, but i bet you'll like me when you do get to know me." he said smiling.

I smiled at him and laid my head back. "I finally feel protected for once." I said quietly. I saw him smile out of the corner of my eye. I fell asleep finally without fear.

I fell asleep without being trapped.

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