Introduction To Vampires

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Kayla's Car

I groaned when someone jumped on me. "I'm the Vampire Princess. This is no way to wake me up!"

"Sorry, Princess." I looked at the girl who had jumped on me. It was Jessie. She's the only one who would dare wake me up. Even my parents were too afraid to try. And, even if someone did try, they wouldn't dare do it that way. I'd kill them (And, no. I'm not exaggerating. I really would kill them)...

Sorry. I haven't told you about Jessie yet. I apologise. Jessica Tassle is my best friend. She's very pale (just like me... No, it's not a vampire thing). She's 5'9 and (right now) she's got purple hair. She dyed it last week. It's the seventh time in the last month! She has blue eyes that make it easier for her to be intimidating when she wants to be. She's very annoying but also one of three people who are my real friends. I had a lot of friends at school but they weren't real friends. I was the head cheerleader and Jessie was my assistant. She's the only one I trust (apart from Ben, Harry and Alice). (She's a total bottom and Alice tops her easily... Don't ask how I know that...)

Alice, Ben, Harry, Jessie and I are vampires. The only ones in our school (now that we've transferred for our Senior year). We've been friends since we were kids. Harry is Ben's mate and Jessie's twin. Alice is Jessie's mate and Ben's twin. Oh! Right! Vampires have mates. Some are vampires and others are humans. If we have a human mate, we turn them (unless they don't want it or are under 18 (in which, we wait until they turn 18)). Unfortunately for me, I haven't met my mate yet. I was told to be patient.

There are four kinds of vampires (all of which have normal vampire powers (e.g. better hearing, sense of sight, etc)):

1. Turned humans. These are weaker and slower than all other kinds of vampires but are still stronger and faster than humans. They are not immortal and can only live up to 200 years old. They don't outwardly age but, for some reason, on their 200th birthday, they die. They can't turn humans and can fall prey to our hypnosis powers. They can only use that power on humans.

2. Blood-born vampires. These are vampires born with two vampire parents. No vampire can get a human pregnant as we are a different species (thankfully with the number of vampires that have sex with the humans they feed on (we'll discuss this later though).) They can use their hypnosis powers on each other, turned vampires (but not those turned by royalty) and humans. They each have one extra power and increased healing. Ali has fire control and Ben has ice control (twins usually have opposite powers but not always). Jessie has teleportation and Harry has shadow control. They age until they turn 18. Then they stop ageing. They are faster and stronger than turned humans.

3. Vampires turned by royalty.  They have all the extra powers and don't age. They are as fast and strong as blood-borns. They heal as fast as blood-borns. They can use hypnosis on humans, turned vampires and each other but not blood-borns.

4. Vampire royalty (like me. I did tell you I'm the Princess. The only Princess as I'm an only child). They are faster and stronger than all other vampire species. They can use hypnosis on all other kinds of vampires (but not each other). They have all the extra powers and heal instantly. It is almost impossible to kill a royal vampire. The only ones capable are other royals. They age until they turn 18.

A vampire's extra powers are fire control, ice control, shadow control, teleportation, animal control (only small animals for anyone other than royals), water control, earth control, wind control, storm control, electricity control, metal control, telekinesis and flying.

Wait! I haven't told you about me yet!!! Sorry! I have green eyes (usually) and I'm 5'1. Don't you dare call me small! Just because everyone else in my year is taller than me, doesn't make me small! I'm a brunette and my eyes-- Fuck, sorry. Right. Blood-borns have their eyes turn neon green when they feed. Turned vampires have their eyes turn bright blue and vampires turned by royalty have their eyes turn red.

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