Two New Mates?

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I went back into my mate's class with Jessie and Harry. "Are you alright Miss..."

"Kayla Prince, Miss. And, yes, I am. Thanks," I said and the three of us went back to our seats. My mate still looked concerned but she continued with her lesson. It was really hard to concentrate on anything but my mate the whole hour but I just about managed it. During the lesson, when I wasn't half-concentrating on what was being taught, I learned a few things about my mate but not nearly enough. There was the name 'Taylor Johnson' and 'AP Maths' written on the whiteboard at some point before the class had started, she didn't have any rings on so she's not married and she's really sexy and smart... That's basically all I got before the lesson was over and it was time for our next class. Harry, Ben, Jessie, Alice, Courtney, Dana, Luke, Blake and I went to our Chemistry class. We all took our seats.

"Hello, class," a sexy voice said. No way... I looked up and saw a hot blonde with green eyes. How could I find my two mates the same day with both of them being my teachers one class after the other!? "I'm Emma Mayor and since my twin sister will also be teaching you, please call me Miss M." And she's Alice and Jessie's mate's sister! "As you all are aware, this is AP Chemistry. If I think you're struggling with the class even with my help, you will be taken out of AP Chemistry. However, I do think you're all capable of being able to keep up."

"Shit," I whispered.

"What is it, Kay?" Jessie asked in a whisper.

"She's my second mate," I whispered back and I heard Alice and Ben gasp quietly and Jessie and Harry breathe in a sharp breath.

"Are you okay, Princess?" Jessie asked quietly. I stopped myself from responding as my mate turned towards us and waited for a few seconds before she looked away.

"Yes, I am," I responded. "Feeding earlier really helped. Thanks."

"Anytime, Princess," Harry said.

"Yeah," Jessie said. "Anytime." The five of us went back to concentrating on the lesson but, once again, I found it difficult to concentrate on anything other than my mate.

"Now, I think we should start with a few things about ourselves," my mate said. "I love Art, I'm currently dating a wonderful woman I'm thinking of proposing to and I love to spend my free time reading." We all said the same things as last time except for me. This time I went with something different.

"I love cars and drawing, I spend most of my free time reading and writing fanfiction (mostly Harry Potter based because I have a huge thing for the Black Sisters) and I'm a polyamorous lesbian." I did enjoy the very slight blush and raised heartbeat reaction that my words caused in my mate before she had coughed and moved on though. The rest of the lesson didn't tell me anything new about my mate, though. After the class and PE were over, Jessie went to cheerleading tryouts, Ben and Alice went to Soccer tryouts and Harry and I went to Football tryouts. When we all met up after tryouts, we found out that Jessie had been made Co-Captain of the team by the Coach, Ben and Alice were made Midfielders for the Soccer team and Harry and I were Linebacker and Quarterback.

I do not know how American Football works so sorry if I got that wrong. I know this was shorter than the previous chapters but (if I don't forget), I'm hoping to update this more often but with shorter chapters. If you have any idea as to anything you want added in, let me know. 😀

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2023 ⏰

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