Chapter 7

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CRASH! Meteorites were falling down from the sky; Jim was in the bedroom quivering with fear, his hands cupped over his ears, his eyes pursed together. You were out on the deck tucking the sails away.  

"Jim!" you yell over the loud thumps and crashes. "OH, Jim, I was so worried." You say in relief. "Hey, what's wrong" the concern filling up in your chest. It didn't take long for you to understand. You didn't really know what to do. But you sat next to him and laid your back against the wall. Jim buried his face into the crook of your neck, clutching his ear. You ran your fingers through his hair, and you closed your eyes laying your cheek against the top of his head.

You took a deep breath, as your mind drifted into a reminiscence.

You were just 5 years old, there was a really bad meteor shower, worse than this. You were terrified. Your mother cradles you in her arms and takes you down to the living room. She's twisting your hair into braids, while that perfect melody comes out of her throat. 5-year-old you closed your eyes and started swaying. The wonderful memory of your family altogether, your mum's song and your dads hand wrapping around yours.

Then the haunting memory of your farther tragic death hits you...

You were only 12, your mum sat you down and told you what happened. No tears. Nothing. Just emptiness, loneliness. Your mum has never been the same either, sure, she still loved you, but was more distant and less open. That's why you were terrible at showing emotions, you remember making a promise that you would never let anything get to you again, and that is also when you decided to never be scared of anything again.

No more loud noises, just silence. You grab his chin and look at him in the eyes "Jim, it's okay that it scares you, you know." You give him a smile "it used to scare me too, before..." you frown.

"Before what?"

"Before, I made a promise that I was never going to be afraid of anything again." You reply

"Why did you make that promise?" He asks

You take a deep breath and look into his eyes "It's not important" you get up and kiss his temple "get some sleep."

Bad boys are good too. (Jim Hawkins X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now