Chapter 9

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There it was! Treasure Planet was peaking over the horizon, the crossed hoops shining brightly into your eyes.

"Jim! Jammo wake up" you yell, swinging open the door.

"What?" he grumbled in his awoken state.

You pull him out of bed and drag him outside.

"Look Jim, isn't it beautiful? We're almost there!" you breathe, excitement clear in your voice.

You go to the captain cabin and you spent a long time looking at the map in complete awe. You made it! This was it! The thoughts curled through your brain, a sudden realization cascades through your thoughts. Your eyes widened; your tongue stuck to the roof of your mouth. You tapped your fingers on your lips, your eyes rolled up to the ceiling. You didn't know what to do now. Do you turn around or do you simply continue? I mean, all the answers that you were dying to know have now been answered, so, the point of this journey is now useless. What do you tell Jim? He didn't even know why you went on this trip in the first place! Do you tell him what you were really looking for?

A bead of sweat fell from your head, everything that happened on this journey, was the answer. Jim was the answer! How do you tell him that? He doesn't even want you... but maybe, maybe he does?

Jim was curled up on the round windowsill, looking out at the view. He was excited. Yes. But he was a little disappointed that, the trip was coming to a close, he had such a good time with you on this trip and he was more than certain that once it ends; you'll go back to being nothing more than strangers. The time spent with you on this trip would turn into a distant memory, but one he knew he'd never let go or forget.

Does he tell you how he feels, or does he keep it inside of him until he just forgets you? But he knows forgetting someone like you would be Nearly impossible.

"Forgetting her will be hard, remembering her without hurting will be hard, telling her will be hard" he mumbled dryly through his teeth. Jim stared Indecisively out the window, his hands holding his head; wondering what to do.

'I guess she'll have to tell you' he thought

"Nah, she doesn't like me" he replied to himself. I Suppose only heaven knows.

Bad boys are good too. (Jim Hawkins X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now