Part 6. The Cawermans

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The adrenaline running through my body, and all of it hurting so much, the floor full of blood and with a lifeless body on it, everything was getting darker and darker and my life was getting more shittier than ever, I'm a child and this is just too much.

"Simon listen, she...pulled my hair!" I explain while thick hot tears were running through my face and my hands were all shaky and full of blood. "So what?! She pulls your hair so you throw her against a door of fucking glass?!" He screams at me with his hands also full of blood. I started shanking even worst and started breathing heavily "It was an accident! I was tripping, she chocked me and I couldn't breathe!" I cried but he didn't seem to matter "I don't see any bruises"  was all he said

The sirens of the police cars started to get closer, while the body of Simon's little sister was lifeless on the floor next door, I have killed someone, it was on defense but what the hell am I supposed to do now? I am just 15 and will get jail.

"Sofia it was an accident I promise!" I said to the social worker that always take care of us. "It's ok, I believe you kid" she calmed me down but she knew that it was really fucked up.

I woke up and I was sweating, I quickly turned to see my hands, they were fine and not cover in blood like I thought they were.

Stefany Cawerman, she was 13 when she died, I kill her. She was the first person I ever kill, it was an accident, we were on the same orphanage, I was friends with her brother Simon not with her, we got in a fight that I can't even remember the problem but she got to a point when she was really angry at the point where she was breaking things, I remember she broke a glass of water and the floor was full of glass and water, one moment to an other she had her hands around my throat and I was running out of air, I was tripping because of the water and I pushed her against a table but her head hit too hard and it broke, her blood was coming too much and too fast.

She died because of all the blood she lost, Simon never forgets me, I didn't forget me nether, I didn't like her but she was just a child and her death follows me everywhere and it will until the very day I die.

• • •

"Ok are you ready for your last class until the ball?" Marcus asked with a grin on his face "ok now I'm ready" I said standing in the middle of the empty room "put your shoulders back so you look more tall" Stephan said making me stand straight "and do not walk but try to float" said Josey making a little fun of me "I feel like an idiot, what happen next?" I asked and Marcus take my hand "your hand receive a kiss" but I quickly took my hand off ''ew, I will not let a man that I don't know kiss my hand, is disgusting'' they all laugh at my childish act ''well that is not a problem for me, I think you are ready'' Marcus said and Stephan nod in response and left the room.

I grabbed my phone to check if I had some new massages shit, nothing, so I decided to write first 'we really need to talk' then I felt something on my chest and it started hurting, it was weird, I place one hand to my chest and take a big breath "so tell me, who is this Cris? is he your boyfriend or something?" I heard Josey ask and a laugh escaped my mouth "yes you can say something like that, now if you let me, I have to go" I said and went to my room.

I was really not feeling well and tomorrow is the ball, so either I get better or I pretend nothings wrong, it was time for my medicine so I took it and prepare a hot bath to calm myself down, it always works. The water was ready so I took out my clothes and stare for a minute at the mirror, Cris has always liked the scar I have on my chest, it was from an operation I had 3 years ago, it's not that big but if I only have my bra on it will be the first thing you will notice, I finish undressing myself and entered to the bathtub, it felt nice, the hot water covered my body and I could feel pace.

I took a deep breath and plunged myself under the water, my eyes were close and my skin felt so soft, it was so peacefully that I could easy just fall sleep right now, but the air in mu lungs were not enough, my body started needing more air but I simply ignore it, it was so painfully but at the same time so peacefully that I just wanted a bit more time, but then it was too much time, I came out of the water gasping for air and coughing, it hurt a lot but it was worth it. When I was getting out of the bathroom, I notice that I had some massages from John, I hope is not bad or I will literally die.

''Brook, is your time to check the new kids''

''they are supposed to be ready for the test in tow weeks''

''can you make it?''

I totally forgot about that, every years let all the 10 year old kids of our 3 orphanages, and the one that always supervise this is the big boss and since last year that's me, I was going to say no because that is boring but then I remember Cris little sister will be there, Cris is out of town so I need to check on the little girl at least.

"I'll be there"

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