Part 24. a feeling?

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I'm still holding her hand, she is too slow and if I garb her hand so she walks faster, there is no word between us, she is a child, why would I talk with her?. We arrive at the hospital and it was necessary to walk faster to avoid anyone notice me walking, not with hospital cloths and with a child that is obviously was not mine giving it by our physical looks. When we were on the elevator it was time to know more about this little girl ''Chloe how old are you again?'' she took her time but I notice it was because she was trying to find how to say the number ''ssix'' there are two missing tooth is her mouth so it made a funny sound ''okay, you will stay with me for a while alright?'' she slightly nodded.

The little girl accommodate all her stuff into the coach, she doesn't have much just a bag that is not full and a little teddy bear, I made her take a bath and put on some pajamas I found somewhere and right after that she felt dead sleep, that is better because I don't have to deal with her. There is no way I will keep this mission going for much longer and if Ace doesn't move this complete situation fast enough I will take the problem to my own hands. The doctors check me all over again for like 10 times more and told me that is no long till I can get out of here, witch is good but I'll have to take this little human that is invading all of my space now.

. . .

It's been almost a week since Chloe stays here, I asked Ace if I could talk with James about the mission, I want to know all the little details of what is happening and sadly the most annoying person ever but he is also the only ones that actually know what is happening because he keeps going to all this meetings, the only thing that I know is that they told the group that we broke up and that is why he is going alone now.

Dr. Zukoski send me home today so Ace told Marcus to pick me up, I packet all my stuff and made sure Chloe was all good and give her a snack before leaving, Marcus pick us up and after a lot of papers and stuff you do getting out of the hospital we were driving to Cristina's house to drop the child, it's been a while since I come here. This is her father's house, it looks fancy and good on the outside, but on the inside is a complete deferent story, that house feels cold as ice on the inside and if there is no one talking it feels like a ghost just walk right pass you. I was at the passenger sit with Marcus driving, not that I had a choice in that, and Chloe in the back seat playing with a teddy bear I had to buy so she could sleep at night more easily.

When we arrive at the house and the feeling was back, something was wrong but, if the wrong thing was not my body literally traying to kill me then what was it? suddenly Marcus voice kicked me out of my thoughts ''are you going to get down or?'' I took one look at him and one to Chloe before opening the door ''come on kid, let's get this done'' I opened her door and help her with the bag, there is something really wrong with this house. I knock on the door once, a man screams in a mad and drunk tone, it must be her dad. Michelle opened the door and her beautiful messy face lights up when she sees me and Chloe ''you are here! I'll take you to my room follow me'' and just like that she took her arm and made their way upstairs.

At the moment when I put the bag on the floor I heard a tiered voice ''oh is just you'' I turned around knowing that I will find Cris, she had her hair up in a messy bun and was wearing joggers and a big t-shirt ''yea, I got dismiss this morning'' something grabbed my attention, her hand was covered in bandages and was that blood on it?

-''good, put the bag there I can put it away latter'' it was impossible to not ask

-''what with you hand?'' she immediately hide it ''the knife slipped while I was cooking'' I don't believe her.

''You can still call Cristi'' a small smile was showed in her face after my words, with that I left the house and closed the door behind me.

I was already in the car where I could catch a breath, I put my head on my hands and closed my eyes, my mind was running so fast that I didn't even notice that Marcus never started driving.

-''What it's up with you?" he ask after taking a deep breath

-"I got a feeling" there is something on my mind that I can't take out and I have no idea what it is

-''Hmm I get those now and then'' he started driving but his sight seem to be lost in thoughts 

-''How do you get rid of them?'' it was not fun to have your mind working all day and night 

-''If you wait long enough it goes away, or you forget them'' there were no words after that, it was just silence, even thought we don't know each other so well and probably there is not really a relationship full of trust it was not uncomfortable being around him. 

I got and idea, it's probably a really bad idea but It's been too long and I'm not really a patient person, it was time to finish for this. As much as I hate James, he has been way too long under our power, he is been tortured all nights, something that I don't complain about, but is time to give him his last task and send him free. I hope to never see his stupid face again.  


A/N: sorry for not been posting, school is killing me but here you go. this will take a kind of dark turn. 

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