Part 14. fight?

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I pick up the phone from my bed, am I really going to do this? yes I have to, my mind is in blank but my hands are fast, they type her number and press that green bottom and the phone started calling. 

Oh, lord she is killing me 

She takes her time picking the phone, then I could hear her beautiful voice on the other way of the phone ''hey baby, what's up?'' she asked happy, probably she was spending time with Michelle ''hey....actually I got to tell you something'' I said and my voice came out way more nervous that I was expecting.

''What is wrong?'' she asked almost right away, I guess this is it, '' adoptive dad found a way to destroy the mafia that killed my parents'' my leg started moving nervously 

''wow, that is grate, isn't it?'' she knows there is something off ''the thing is that for doing that I may have to pretend to have...a boyfriend'' is out, I can't take it back now.

 ''what?'' she sounded confused and a little indignant ''I know how it sounds, but there is not going to happened anything between us, I swear'' there was a big silence, she is mad I know it. 

What am I suppose to say now, do I say something or just wait till she is ready to talk? I don't know, I'm never the one of the words she is the one good in that, she always know what to say and how to say it, that is one of the things I admire her for. 

''Are you asking me permission to cheat on me with a man?'' her voice cracked at the end of that sentence, no shit that wasn't the way!, ''no baby, I don't want to cheat on you I just......- I have no idea what to say - do you want to come to my house so we can properly talk?'' the question was out, maybe is the best way to do it. 

she was quiet, I really don't want to hurt her, in fact is the last thing I want and also one of my biggest ambitions is to kill every one that even put one finger in any person I protect without their consent, including my dead parents. ''fine, send me the location then'' she hang up, that was too fast, she is mad. 

. . . 

Cris would be here in any second, the phone is on my desk and my eyes are not leaving it, she will call when she is close, that call is all my phone is waiting for. It started vibrating, pick it up and her number is on the top of the phone, she is here, I answer it and my heart bit started raising, it impressive how she still get me nervous when we have been together for 3 years now. 

I rushed downstairs opened the door and went to the front grille to let her pass, she was standing there waiting for me, her short hair was moving along with the nature, she was wearing my favorite skirt for her and a cute top she love. ''You look beautiful'' I said getting close to the door ''open the door B'' she crosses her arms and look down to the floor. 

While entering the house Cris didn't let me hold her hand, well that hurt, we were fast going to my room so no one sees us and make questions. Entering the room, letting her enter first as always, she was scanning the room and when I close the door to face her and she turned around. 

I came close to her but she thro herself into my arms and press her lips against mine, it was surprising but eventually I kiss her back, my hands on her back pulling her close and I could feel her hands on my hair, I thought it was good but out of the blue she pulled away and slap my face as hard as she could. 

''Bloody hell woman'' what the hell was that? my face was even hot because of the slap, ''Why would you ask me that?'' she was looking at the floor  turning her back on me, Cris was hurting and I was the reason why, that was never my intention. 

''Cris, if it was my choice there is now way I would make this with him that is for sure'' it so hard trying to explain something without making it look like if it was just excuses, I tried to came close to her and when she turned around her eyes where full of tears, that make my heart brake.

There was something wrong, it was not the fight, well yes the fight was wrong but there was something else, something that I don't fully understand what is ''You told me that you love me! you told me that you love me and then pretend to have a fake relationship?! that is not fair!'' she gave me a little punch in my chest, it was not even that hard put I felt a sharp pain that left me without air. 

One of my hands went to my chest and the other one was trying to reach Cris hand  while I was gasping for air, ''Oh my lord'' Cris handed me the inhalator that was on my desk, I gave myself one dose and it was easy to breath again. 

We sited down at the floor and my eyes slowly closed while my heart bit was slowing down again ''Brokleen what the hell?! since when that happens?'' there was nor answer from my part, she will make me go to the hospital and there is simply not time for that.  

She grabbed my hand and after a few seconds she place it on her thigh, her skirt was so short that I could touch her skin that was soft as the grass in an empty field, my thumb started making little circles which she likes. ''Baby'' a soft voice came out of Cris's mouth, I turned to see her and my eyes couldn't stop jumping form her eyes to her soft lips, she came closer and our mouths meet each other. 

The kiss was soft and peacefully, my hand was going slowly up and down on her tight and playing with the end of her skirt which made the kiss little by little a bit more intense, with every minute that passes we were getting closer and closer. 

Cris pull off and whispered to my ear with a desperate tone ''I want you so bad'' she knows what she is doing, that thing that drives me crazy ''then take me'' and with that words she got on top of me and started kissing my neck with her hands on my hair while mine were at her waist as she moved slowly in circles over my lap. 

I pulled out her top that reviled black bra she was using, it fit her perfectly and it was easy to take off, but it drove her crazy when I 'struggle' to take it off so I play with it first. Cris stop kissing me to pull back her hair and I took that chance to kiss her neck leaving a trace there, in reaction to this she thro her head and a sigh in satisfaction ''ugh common take it off'' she begged me even if she liked it. 

''oh puppy don't be pathetic'' it was all fun till someone knock on the door interrupted us   ''ugh what is it?!'' the only reason I answer is because otherwise they are going to come in ''I'm sorry Mrs. Menendez  you father is asking for you'' Cris was about to lough so hard that I had to put one hand over her mouth ''give me a minute and I'll go''.

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