rollercoaster pt.5

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They went on the rollercoaster just like Tricky wanted.

H: Isn't the rollercoaster also high up?
T: I like when things go fast. But every time I say it, people have this "surprised" expression on their face for some reason.
H: Pfft- uh yea,, don't worry you don't need to know why.
T: Alright, its starting :D

the rollercoaster started going up and up and then started going straight. It stopped until they dropped down, "weeeeeee" both Hank and Tricky(or should I say trixie) said while some other grunts were screaming and some having fun.

( PLS this was the only pic I have and I don't know how to draw a rollercoaster- )

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( PLS this was the only pic I have and I don't know how to draw a rollercoaster- )

after that fun rollercoaster ride, they went to check on some other games

Deimos and Sanford pov:

S: I know you said u wanted to spy on them but I also want to have fun too.
D: well why don't you go play then, I don't mind if you leave
S: because I'm gonna be lost since this fair is big and all
D: alright, five games and some snacks then we'll go back to spying on them, deal?
S: bet

they went and played some games and grabbed some snacks, and honestly, they were having so much fun that they forgot to spy on Trixie and Hank.

Hank and Trixie pov:

H: You know, I had fun spending time with you.
T: Me too, it was really fun!
H: I've heard that they're going to have fireworks tonight, wanna stay a bit longer?
T: Sure, I like fireworks

Third person pov:

The sun was setting and it was almost night time. Sanford and Deimos went back to spying on them which only took them about three hours to find.  Trixie and Hank stand down on a bench waiting for the fireworks while they were chatting.

A/n: end of part 5

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