Chapter Four: Infinite Tricks Kat

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Amy was running over to Queen Larien's castle as fast as she could, with Sprixie trying to keep up.

Sprixie: [Trying to keep up with Amy] Don't you think you should slow down a bit, Amy?!

Amy: No time! I want to get to Queen Larien's castle as soon as possible! [She kept running, unaware that she dropped the book]

Cut to Kat walking around the park.

Kat: [Sees the book] Wow! I've never seen a book like this before! [Picks up the book and looks out a few pages] This book seems pretty interesting. [Sees a blue mongoose looking mobian, who had her hair in pigtails crying on a nearby bench] Poor girl. Maybe I'll go see what's wrong. [Walks over to the girl] Hi there. Are you okay.

Galaxy: [Fake crying] Yeah. I'm just practicing for a role in a new play that's gonna come out soon, that's all. You must be Kat the Cat. I've heard a lot of great things about your music.

Kat: Yeah! I'm one of the best singers out there!

Galaxy: Well the mobians here must have a wonderful taste of music.

Kat: Thank you!

Galaxy: Anyway, I've heard about some thing that you can return anyone with specific ingredients. Is that true?

Kat: That's a very weird question to ask someone you just met, but Daddy did say something about that before. He said that you could bring back legendary people when you need them!

Galaxy: Even legendary villains?

Kat: What a frightning thought? I should try to look more into this book I just found about it!

Galaxy: Oh okay! [She walks away from Kat and then smirks to herself evilly] Good to know. [Turns back into Infinite and then cackles evilly]

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