Chapter 6 (2/2): Accumulation of Ugly Feelings

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A thick layer of cynicism coated the cool night air. On a city street in the western end, seconds of brightness were followed by long periods of darkness as the pharmacy's large outdoor sign flickered on and off. The cloud attack not only toppled a number of streetlights, but caused a series of electrical short circuits. These infrastructure issues led to city officials heeding citizens to refrain from going out after dark. If crime was about opportunity, then the perfect one had arrived.

The amount of activity occurring in front of the pharmacy suggested that the warning was ineffective. Patrons moved in and out of the store holding bags bursting with purchased items. Across the street, Radius inconspicuously hid himself in the space between a laundromat and a Karate studio. The rhythmic splashing of water droplets from a busted gutter could be heard from overhead. Blocking out the sound, the teen locked his eyes on the pharmacy's entrance.

An unhinged door slowly swung with each passing person. Each swing produced a low screech that gave voice to the store's pain. Buildings in the western end's commercial center received immediate attention from public works departments, while buildings in the peripheral area relied on the assistance of volunteers.

A square of light illuminated the center of Radius's face as he checked his phone. An hour had passed since he began his espionage. An intermittent soreness in his heel caused him discomfort. He stomached that pain along with the budding doubt that the cashier was mistaken. It pained him to consider that his efforts were wasted.

"When does the fieldwork start?" asked Gold, floating backwards in a reclined position, "This is a strange way to spend a Friday night."

Radius replied with a low grumble. He had not revealed his true objective for spying on the pharmacy. Instead, he informed Gold that they were going to conduct fieldwork. The ghost's unfamiliarity with the term created wiggle room for Radius. That room shrank with each passing minute, however.

Just as Radius turned his head to address Gold directly, his peripheral vision activated. A figure swiftly maneuvered around the potholes and heavy objects that obstructed the sidewalk. The skull cap confirmed his thoughts.

Mitch had arrived.

"It's just starting," said Radius as he crouched.

Gold's killer stepped into a puddle that darkened the cuff of his green baggy shorts. The high-pitched squeak of wet shoes against the white ceramic floors of the pharmacy indicated his entry into the establishment. Darkness swallowed up the streets as the outdoor pharmacy sign turned off.

"It's about time!" said Gold, flipping vertically, "What do you need me to do?!"

With a single finger, Radius pointed across the street.

"A man just entered the pharmacy. When he exits, we're going to follow him."

The streets burned with light again as the pharmacy sign flickered back on.

"But why?" asked Gold as the excitement in his voice vanished.

Gold originally thought nothing of his partner's "fieldwork," but a sinking feeling in his stomach convinced him otherwise. Why did Radius need to be out so late? Why was he hiding himself between buildings? Why did he keep staring at the pharmacy?

His thoughts rewound to the previous night. He thought about the weird fit of laughter that overcame Radius. That was the first time he recalled ever seeing him laugh. Something disturbed him about the laugh, however. It wasn't joyful or a response to something amusing. He heard guilt in that laugh.

The instant darkness overcoming the street concealed the sharp shift in Gold's facial expression.

"Who is he?"

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