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In December 2003, forensic investigators extracted enough material from a mixed blood sample found on JonBenét's underwear to establish a profile. That DNA belonged to an unknown male person, and excluded the DNA of each of the Ramsey's.

The DNA was submitted to the FBI's (CODIS), a database containing more than 1.6 million DNA profiles, but the sample did not match any profile in the database.

In October 2016, a report said that new forensic analysis with more sensitive techniques revealed that the original DNA contained genetic markers from two individuals other than JonBenét.

James Kolar, who was a lead investigator for the D.A.'s office, said that there were additional traces of male DNA found on the cord and paintbrush that Boulder district attorney Mary Lacy did not mention, and that there were six separate DNA samples belonging to unknown individuals that were found by the test.

Former FBI profiler Candice Delong believes that the DNA, having shown up identically in several different places on multiple surfaces, belongs to the killer.

Former Adams County, Colorado, District Attorney Bob Grant, who has assisted the Boulder DA's office on the case for many years, also believes that the DNA evidence is significant, saying that any resolution of the case would have to explain how the DNA showed up on several pieces of JonBenét's clothing.

Forensic pathologist Michael Baden said, "Trace amounts of DNA can get on places and clothing from all different, non-suspicious means. There is no forensic evidence to show that this is a stranger murder.

Family Members:

John Ramsey

Patsy Ramsey

John Andrew Ramsey

Melinda Ramsey

Burke Ramsey

Jeff Ramsey

Ramsey Friends & Neighbours:

Joe Barnhill, Sr

Joe Barnhill, Jr.

Jay Elowsky

Barbara Fernie

John Mike Glynn

Jack Logan

William McReynolds

Glen Meyer

Glenn Stine Roxanne Walker

Stewart Walker

Priscilla White

People Who Worked for Ramsey's:

Linda Hoffman-Pugh

Mervin Pugh


Gary Olivia 

60 people, including the family members had been cleared, According to Internet poster Athena, according to PMPT, McReynolds and Barnhill's DNA could not be excluded.

I will have the same question again, what are your theories? I have a few theories here and there, but I'm not really sure. And today while surfing through the net, I found a little something.

Biggest questions:

5:39 Why stay in bed during the search? 

11:23 Have you read the ransom note? 

21:41 Why didn't you draw her in a family picture? (13 days after the murder) 

24:20 Pineapple question 

26:53 Did you ever hit her? 

29:55 Did you kill her? 

30:12 What do you say to people that believe you killed her? 

31:46 Who killed her? 

36:41 Why did you deny questioning in 2010?

And why is he smiling throughout the whole interview?

And again, I'm really sorry if I offend anyone.

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