six 🥀

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+I don't mind waitin', If you need some time to love again, I don't want nothin', Just a little somethin' for the pain+

"I feel so trapped here. I don't know anything about him." Zayn told on the other line. He called Ed and they talked about the place where Zayn could start his teaching.

He looked at the toddler who was busy eating his pancakes, with lots of maple syrup that he is enjoying.

"Bring him at the studio, you two could bond, you could know what he likes, or what he is like to be with. It'll be alright." Ed suggested.

"I will be honest to you, what if I couldn't do good? What if I screw everything up? I'm scared they'd disappear on me again." He told Ed.

He adores how the kid rocks his feet seating just like that. His heart had never beat like this before. He is falling in love with the creation he made with Harry.

"Easy, Zayn. You got this. You need to focus, no need to put a lot of pressure on yourself, that will just ruin the moment." Ed tried to calm him.

"I don't want to mess this up, Ed. I don't want them to just disappear from me like before. Not now, not ever." He stared at his son who had just finished his pancake for the morning.

"Mister Zayn, I am all done." The kid spoke, trying it hard to slowly get down on the floor.

"One second," Zayn told him and he turned to the phone for the last time. "I'll be at the studio by nine." He told Ed before hanging up.

When he turned to Hope, he saw that the kid put his used plate on the sink. He is indeed a responsible child.

"Are you full? How was the pancake?" He tried to baby talk to him, opening the faucet to start washing the dishes.

"Yes, I am." The kid beamed, "It was so good, Mister Zayn. I hope I can have it again tomorrow." He added, pulling a chair from the table to the sink.

When he successfully pulled the chair by the sink, he slowly made his way up to it. "When Deedee was still awake I help him when he washes the dishes." He story tells, Zayn's heart weakened at the thought of Harry who was still in a coma.

"Really? How do you help DeeDee?" Zayn asked. He wanted to know everything that he missed out on.

"I wipe all the water away. Like this." The kid grabbed a kitchen towel and started to wipe the waters on the plate Zayn just washed.

"Wow." Zayn acted so amusedly. "You really did a great job." He smiled at him and played with his curls.

"Thank you." Hope beamed again, feeling so proud of himself.

As they continue to do the dishes, the kid couldn't contain himself from talking.

"Mister Zayn, may I ask you?" Zayn hummed in response.

"Do you think Deedee dreaming about me?" He asks. Zayn froze, he can feel Hope really misses his deedee right now.

"Of course, he is having a great dream about you." Zayn can't say any more to comfort the little boy when he can't stop thinking about Harry.

"So it means he is having good sleep." The kid mentioned Zayn's heart is weakening again.

"Deedee told me that he has a good sleep when he is dreaming about me." Hope smiled widely.

Zayn only smiled. He doesn't know any other words to say to make him feel more comfortable.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2022 ⏰

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