one 🥀

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+++Everything that you ever dreamed of, is disappearing when you wake up...

Zayn watches Harry pick flowers at the park, occasionally glancing on the flying butterflies around him. He was so beautiful in Zayn's eyes.

His long curls dancing, slapping lightly on his cheeks as the wind blows. Zayn doesn't want anything but to tuck his curls behind his ears and kiss him.

A wide grin crossed his face as he stood up from the bench, leaving his sketchpad and pencil on. He walked slowly where his boyfriend was with his hands in his pocket.

Harry noticed him fast, and a weak smile formed, showing Zayn the beautiful flowers he had picked. "They are beautiful, Zayn." He mumbled, collecting each of it properly on his hands.

"You are prettier, my love," Zayn answered, tucking now his curls behind his ears. Harry blushed deep tomato red, contrasting his white milky skin.

Zayn smirked, knowingly. He loves how Harry blushes whenever he tells him a compliment or how much he loves him, how he bowed his head down to hide his red cheeks, how he whined whenever he feels shy about something giddy.

"Kiss me," Zayn ordered him, playfully grinning when Harry didn't look at his face.

"But, Zayn, there are people watching us." Harry lowly mumbled, his eyes watching his shoes tapping the ground.

Zayn twitched his lips, stopping himself from smiling. "I don't give a fuck about them. I want my kiss." Zayn insisted, calmly.

Harry stomps his foot quietly. "Zayyyn." He whined, whispering it quietly.

Zayn almost let out a soft chuckle at how adorable Harry is when blushing. He is just so cute for the world and he realized how lucky he is to have Harry for himself.

"What? Don't you want to kiss me now? I am offended." He told, making Harry guilty for not wanting to kiss him.

He watches Harry's lashes flicking down, meeting its way on his soft cheeks. He loves Harry so much.

"I want to." Harry defended, his voice keeping it's low. "I just... Just not in front of other people." He whispers like the deepest secret he's ever had.

But Zayn shook his head. He wants a kiss from his baby, to show these people who have captured his heart.

"I don't believe you. You don't love me." Zayn still pushes his limit. Knowing Harry would give in at any moment.

Harry's eyes were now worried, not seeing Zayn was just messing around. "No, Zayn. I love you." He fought, afraid that Zayn would leave him.

"Hmm." Zayn nodded, not yet going along with it. "Then kiss me, baby." He draped his arms around his waist, pulling him closer. Harry was still blushing, his head leaned on Zayn's chest.

"Come on." He softly chuckled.

It took a moment before Harry sighed defeatedly. He brought his head up, he saw Zayn's lips already puckering waiting for him. He slightly giggled, bringing his lips to peck Zayn.

Zayn was contented, smiled lovingly. His nose brushes on Harry's. A few people cood at their cuteness banter. Harry couldn't get any redder than he already is.

"See? We have fans. They ship us." Zayn winked, chuckling.

Zayn looked away with hurt in his eyes and a scar on his heart, when he saw a couple kissing at the park. He sat his sketchpad down and ran his hands on his face. A sweet memory from the past when they were 18 ghosted him.

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