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September 18th, 2014~

I'm not the one to be sentimental to people, but it is worrying me that Avery has been missing for almost a month. No one has ever been kidnapped in this town. Ever.

"Tucker! Party at my place!" Oliver yells.

"Yeah, sure." For the first time, I actually don't want to go to a party.

"You'll be there right?" A girl winks at me.

"Yeah Farrah."

"It's Stacy."

"Yeah whatever." I walk off before she throws some temper tantrum. I look around and I see missing posters of Avery. I usually don't feel bad about my bullying, but that night at church wasn't my idea.


"Come on, she's a loser. Just make her embarrassed! If you do it, I'll give you twenty bucks." Lee says.

"Come on man, that's not nice."

"Don't go all soft on us Tucker." Lucas adds.

"Okay fine." When the teacher gives us the assignment, I walk over to Avery.

"I guess it's me and you." She looks at me with her hazel eyes.

"You're Avery right?"

"Yes." She looks astonished that I knew who she was.

"I've never formally introduced myself, I'm Tucker." I say with my charm.

"I know. You made fun of me the other day."

"I did? I'm sorry." I decide to apologize for real. I really did feel bad for her and I regretted what I said next.

"Alright go back to your tables." The teacher says. I leave and the guys start grinning like mad men.

"Tucker, what did you and Avery talk about?" The teacher asks.

"She talked about me, how I was her dream, and how I was the only reason she came to church." I laugh and fist bump Lee. I look at Avery and she isn't surprised I said that. I felt bad as soon as it left my mouth.

"Alright Tucker enough foolishness." The teacher says.

"Dude she didn't turn red or anything." Lucas comments.

"No twenty for you." Lee says.

"I don't care." I see hurt and shame in Avery's eyes. And then the day I flipped her off wasn't my idea either. Okay maybe it was, but I couldn't help it. The only thing I regret is how I treated her when I last saw her, because that's the day she went missing.


"Tuck, are you okay?" Mom asks.

"I'm fine." I try to play off a smile.

"No, your not. Is this Avery thing getting you down that bad?"

"No. Maybe. I don't know." I huff in exhaustion.

"If you want, we can go along with the search parties."

"No that's kinda humiliating Mom."

"If it means saving an innocent girl's life, it's far from humiliating." I suddenly felt guilty for what I said.

"I'm sorry Mom. If it's alright, I'm going to go out for a walk." I need to get out of the house and clear my head.

"Okay, be careful."

"I will."

"Love you Tuck."

"Love you too, Mom." I walk out with my coat on and I start walking along the sidewalk. I see that black van that has been following me for the past few months. I stop and stare at it. I suddenly feel someone behind me and they start choking me.

"Scream or struggle, and I will kill Avery." That made me more mad than them strangling me. I try to fight and then I blackout.


I woke up with a terrible headache and my hands were tied behind my back. I feel a piece of cloth around my mouth, so I can't yell for help. I look and see one fading light fixture. Underneath it I saw someone shivering. I wiggle my way to the figure and see it's a girl. She hears me moving and instantly jumps. I see those hazel eyes and know exactly who she is.



Two updates in one day? That's a shock even for me! Now I have no idea when chapter three will be up so I can't give you a time. I will update soon though!!!


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