he's gone in the flash of a light

12 3 1

But all of a sudden
We loved and got lost in the moment
All of a sudden
She's gone in the flash of a light
I never was looking, hmm
I'll be looking for the rest of my life
(The lyric is 'she' but yk that will not be applying here;)

Even though they didnt know each other for long they began to feel like they had known eachother for a lifetime. It was like they were just made for eachother, like they just... Worked? That may be a weird way to describe it but everything felt so right between them like they would be able to get through anything together.

It was so crazy because they barely knew eachother but they were so comfortable with eachother. They talked for hours on that train ride but it would inevitably come to an end.


Harry and louis had basically talked about anything and everything at this point and had just sort of got lost in eachothers eyes. They subconsciously started leaning in and when they had gotten so close they snapped back into reality by the final call to get off the train in Doncaster. They blushed and looked down as they both stood up and grabbed their luggage, once they got it they looked at eachother.

"I guess this is goodbye" Harry sighs.

"Not goodbye... Just see you later, right?" Louis says.


"See you later, Harry"

"Later, Louis" harry says and leans down ( height difference 😍) and kisses louis on the cheek. They both blush and look into eachothers eyes again. They reluctantly turned and went separate directions.

Neither thinking to have ever exchanged phone numbers...

ayy new chappie. ik it seems so dumb that they would not even think to exchange numbers but idc it just needs to happen for the story to pan out, goodbye... Or see you later

-L <3

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