looking for the rest of my life

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I never was looking, hmm
I've been looking for the rest of my life

as lottie is driving louis to his house, he sees a billboard for a real estate agent. he takes a picture of it before the pass it which makes lottie give him a weird look.

"what did you just do lou?" she asks.

"i took a picture of that real estate billboard, ive been thinking about moving to london.."

"dont tell me this is still about that boy" lottie sighs"

"he has a name. harry. and yeah, what if it is? this is important to me. i want to find him"

" you met him once lou, i thought you didn't want a relationship anyway. "

" i still have hope, and maybe hes changed my mind, maybe ive just finally found someone id be willing to date"

" ok louis if its really important to you, i cant stop you from moving" she says, trying to understand.

" thank you, but i wouldve done it anyway" louis says smiling cheekily.


louis walks into his house and sets down his stuff. if i did move, would i really miss this place? he asked himself no he figures. hed rather move closer to his friends and be closer to finding harry.

he goes to his room and sits at his desk. he pulls up the picture of the billboard and looks at the phone number on it. he has been thinking and, as much as he loves Doncaster, he could still come see his family here, but he would love to live in London.

youre over thinking it. he tells himself, just call. he takes a deep breath and dials the number.

someone answers the call.

"hello?" louis starts

"hi this is gemma styles, are you calling in need of a real estate agent?" she says. shes british and sounds very friendly, louis thinks.

" yeah i have a house here in Doncaster but im looking to move to london, i need to sell my house"

" ok, sounds good, how soon? "

"im  hoping this week, if that works"

" yeah im actually not very booked this week, if i give you about three days, could you get your house packed and then come to my office so we can talk about expenses and ill talk to you about buyers for the house"

" yeah that works for me"

" ok great, can i get your name?"

"  louis tomlinson" he says, gemma doesn't respond for a bit.

" everything ok?" he asks.

" yeah that name just.. sounds really familiar"

" oh weird, i dont think we've met before"

" me either, weird" she the. asks for his house address which he tells her and she says shell be there at noon in four days. they hang up and louis phone screen goes back to the billboard picture.

something about her voice and her face remind louis of someone.

" holy shit.. " he whispers. he pulls out his wallet and takes out the polaroid of him and Harry and holds it next to the phone. harry and her look almost identical. theres no way this is just a coincidence, louis thinks. and she said louis name sounded familiar, this was starting to make louis freak out.

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