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I am just so blessed that I'm able to wake up.

To wake up each day and see another day.

To be able to roll out of bed and see the sun rise out of my window.

I am so blessed that I can say that I love my family and what they do for me each and everyday.

I am so very blessed that I have people in my life that want me here.

They want me to wake up each day.

Yet still see the truth of you and get out of bed.

They want me to crack my funny jokes because they know that they make me smile.

No one can stop me from making odd faces in public.

It's what makes me well me.

Nothing of that nature is embarrassing to me.

My confidence is high.

Making those silly faces keeps me alive and kind.

Even on my down days. I just have to remind myself to just keep going and

tell myself that I am worthy of this love and of life.

I just feel so very blessed that I am me and that no one in this world can replace me.

I am just so incredibly blessed to be on this planet and to walk physically and mentally with you, Lord Jesus.

Thank you for always believing in me and encouraging me to become and to remain my one true self.

Thank you for always being here with me. 

You are amazing because you fill me with kindness and weirdness.

You are always going to be the best friend that I can never get rid of.

You are the only one that I was born to love and to love always.

Thank you for blessing me with your presence and for creating a life long friendship with me.

I am blessed to be with you and so very blessed that you are always dancing with me and

even if it's my weird dancing too.


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