parting ways

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My depression and I have been through hell in back it seems.
When I was seventeen I didn't even have the courage to get out of bed.
Self care was out of the picture.
Having an actual appetite was rare.
Days left on the home computer seemed endless.
It was a cycle that no matter how little effort I put forth,
I was still going to short of completing a single task.
Parting ways,
is more of separating myself from my brain disease as some would refer it to.
My illness morphed me in a slumped, sleep deprived, and lonely human.
That was stuck in this in between scene of living life and just merely surviving each day.
Parting ways,
is in some sense a separation of my depression and myself.
A separation that peeled off the emptiness and numbness of discomfort with my own mind and body.
I was so glad to be left alone.
Yet as much as I acted alone with my thoughts.
My mind would still continue to corrupt my brain with sick ideas.
Suicide was an option,
but I wasn't going to risk it.
For myself and those who love me.
Throughout my stay with the evil that surrounds severe depression.
I still manage to find my way back to hope.
So from this point now,
I will hope and mediate my way through parting ways with my old self and into the well deserved, Liney.

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