held captive

18 0 0

I walk around with my head high as if 

I have it all together

that's the farthest from the truth.

I'm holding my breath

to see if I can see a light.

Yet each time I fall short.

I'm in a consistent tug of war

 with my demons.

They try to push me into the cold dirt.

I'm looking up from the hole you buried me in.

And I can't even make sense of my emotions.

Seeing darkness and finding my body wrapped in ivy.

Holding me captive and holding me tight coil.

I just want to get out of this Hell and

see the sunshine once again.

I hope that I find a way out.

And I sure hope that I'll get out soon.

So I can feel the sunshine on my skin.

I pray that this will only last for a little while longer

because I can't see ahead when I'm this deep in darkness.

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