🎊what the actual f- // lov🎊

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 - Dabi's skin and staples randomly fall off. Toga and Twice have now made it a game to see who can pick up the most pieces.

 - "I've got 5 staples!"

 - "I have an entire clump of skin, this is so gross what the fuck?!" 😕

 - Shigaraki just sits by and lets it happen because it's better that they pick on Dabi and not him

 - As a fully grown, 20 year old man, Shigaraki cried because his roblox girlfriend dumped him.

 - He cried for W E E K S 🕴

 - Spinner doesn't have the balls to tell Shigaraki that he was the "roblox girlfriend"  and just accidentally picked the wrong guy to con

 - Dabi is aware of both of these things and just laughs to himself about it all the time

 - He's about to get arrested by heroes? No big deal. At least he wasn't stupid enough to get conned into thinking that a lizard was his uwu cute anime girlfriend 💃

 - Kurogiri carries around small boxes of raisins for Twice because he loves them. I don't know why, I don't know how, but I'm convinced Twice adores those tiny boxes 😭💕

 - Dabi hates fish (canon), so he uses it as an insult (not so canon).

 - "You smell like a fish"

 - "Fish-lips"

 - "I bet your dick tastes like fish"

 - ^^ Dabi says the FRUITIEST THINGS and doesn't even realize it 👨‍🦯

 - Twice was once smoking and accidentally dropped his cigarette out the window and onto someone's head, totally freaked out until he realized that the person he dropped it on was dabi 😃

 - Dabi's feet are so burnt, he can't wear socks because his dead skin will stick to it, so he usually wears flip flops when alone

 - This severely hurts his ego, and the only person who knows about this is Toga, who has repeatedly bought him hello kitty flip flops 😩

 - C̶o̶m̶p̶r̶e̶s̶s̶ ̶h̶a̶s̶ ̶a̶ ̶v̶o̶r̶e̶ ̶k̶i̶n̶k̶

 - Toga snarls in her sleep

 - Like actual snarling and growling, it's ADORABLE 🥰

 - The one person who does sleep talk is Shiggy

 - "Mnnn, kitten, daddy thinks you've been so good, let's play roblox together tonight~"

 - Dabi's camera roll is full of videos of this

 - RIP Spinner ☠☠☠

 - I strongly believe Compress and Toga do facemasks together, not Toga and Twice like most people say, because have you seen that compress guy's skin??? It's fucking flawless, there's no way he hasn't built up acne under his stinky ass mask over the years without taking impeccable care of his hygiene

 - Speaking of hygiene 🤓

 - Worst to best ranked would be Dabi, Shiggy, Twice, Spinner, Toga, Compress, Magne

 - Don't ask why Magne is first, I just know this woman has the cleanest, sharpest, most perfect nails on the planet 

 - Toga has tried to hide someone's blood in the fridge and Twice thought it was cranberry juice 😐

 - Twice literally gets abused by everything: he walks into doors, slips on a puddle of water that spawned from nowhere, didn't notice the stairs

 - They once tried to cook at a barbecue and Dabi refused to be the grill

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