🍭dust baby // shigaraki t.🍭

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shigaraki fluff + dating hcs 🥰🥰🥰

- He loves physical touch

- I CANNOT stress this enough omg

- Hand-holding, random hugs, nose kisses, playing with his hair, all of it makes this guy so soft

- Shigaraki also falls asleep super fast unless he's pumped on energy drinks or caffeine, so he is likely to fall asleep on his partner's shoulder randomly

- However, most of the time, he doesn't sleep 🐥

- The guy's a literal zombie, doesn't eat, sleep, bathe, literally anything.

- For that reason, he would need a partner willing to go through nagging/reminding him to do the absolute necessities or else they would both be stuck eating chips three meals a day, never sleeping, which ngl sounds like heaven to Shiggy

- He loves showing off his partner, making it known that he isn't single 😭💕

- Will burst out into tears if he catches his partner bragging about him to other people so prepare for that👯‍♂️


- Love him


- He is so touch-starved that he can and will begin to blush uncontrollably if someone links pinky fingers with him

- Somehow, Toga was the first person to find this out??? Like she was hugging everyone (as Toga casually does) and got to Shiggy and jumped on him from behind and he was like "shit 😃"

- Toga immediately ran away because as terrifying as a mad Shigaraki is, a blushing Shigaraki is much scarier


- He's used to making sure he doesn't accidentally decay someone from his quirk, and, even though he's kinda scared he might decay his partner, they aren't in any real danger

- I'm convinced this guy has "Strawberry Shortcake: the four seasons cake" game downloaded and he plays it regularly (if you don't know the game, dw, this is just me projecting my childhood 😭😭)


- He has self-worth issues so to have his own harem? it's amazing 🥰🥰🥰

- He likes it when his partner sits on his lap, and I know most people would go "ooo, kinky", but he just likes it because his partner can lean onto chest and snuggle with him 😩💕

- I have tons of hcs about cute things he does while playing video games so here we go:

- He has a blanket he wraps himself in like a burrito if it's cold

- He always spills the bowl with snacks and will end up being like "3 SECOND RULE!" and shoving all of the spilt chips and cheese puffs into his mouth like a literal chipmunk 🐸

- Shiggy isn't the type of gamer that yells at the TV or console while he's playing, but he does stay relatively quiet and (he doesn't know it) sticks out his tongue in frustration

- When he loses he will either rage or cry or rage cry

- He mains only a single avatar, I just can't visualize him changing or being versatile enough to work with several of them. He's also more likely to play with a fast and versatile avatar rather than a slow and strong one.

- Sometimes he gets so into it that he would turn off the game but then go "HYA!" if someone jump scares him (RIP Toga who was gonna jump on his back and give him a hug again because she's going around and doing it to everyone)

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