🍭blood baby // toga h.🍭

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fluffy + dating toga hcs 💕

gore warning??? ig??? it's toga, what did you expect???


 - Toga hate is illegal, I can and will attack you 

 - ANYWAYS, on with the hcs

 - She hides her vials of blood everywhere

 - Like I said before, she puts it in the fridge, she hides containers in her closet, she hides them in the place where they put the alcohol and she hides them in her pockets

 - However, since she can't just put "blood", she has them in little containers, on which she doodles cute tiny faces in order to remember which is which

 - When I say faces I mean ":P" "UwU" "T3T"

 - Anything kawaii? Toga owns it

 - I firmly believe that she hides objects in her hair

 - Like, they'd be vandalizing UA property or something, and someone would be like "shit, we forgot the paint cannisters!"

 - No problem, Toga pulls it out of her hair

 - She sticks her tongue out at EVERYTHING

 - And it's like a cute little "mlem"

 - She also lives for oversized clothes, so if her partner wears bigger clothes than she does, she can and will steal it from them

 - I'm pretty sure she has either no sense of smell, or is barely holding onto it, because she's smelled so many dead and rotting bodies (from when she kills them) and has gotten used to it, so sometimes she tries on perfumes absolutely haphazardly

 - She tried vaping once (did not like it) and coughed it all out like a cute kitten cough, if that's a thing?

 - Speaking of cute kittens, she sneezes like one too

  - "A-a..... atchiiou!"🐥🐥🐥

 - Speaking of cute kittens, she has probably kidnapped a few 😃

 - It's canon that she isn't afraid of hurting animals like birds, but if she thinks the kitten is cute enough, she will pour her entire being into taking care of it.

  - "Kurogiri! We're out of cat food, can you get us some more?"

 - Brings the kitten with her e v e r y w h e r e

 - She'll be standing over some dude who she just stabbed and whose blood she's going to drink, and this mf kitten is standing on her shoulder like a parrot 😭💕

 - Nose boops

 -  N O S E   B O O P S

 - Boops everyone's noses this is non negotiable

 - Straight-up runs towards a criminal and taps their nose and then giggles and runs off like a school girl 


 - It's a mix between skipping and running but waving around your hands??? Idk how to explain it but the way she runs is so iconically cute

 - She LOVES getting up and close with her s/o, if you can't take physical touch you are absolutely SCREWED, this is not the woman for you

 - Pokey baby

 - "Hey, hey!"

 - *poke*

 - "Helloooooo!"

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