History Repeats Itself

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"Thanks," says Tris, nodding to Will and I. "Of course," I say as I stare after Peter with a look of disgust on my face. "Is it true?" Asks Will, and I turn to look at him. His eyes jump between the two of us. "Are you guys trying to manipulate us?" "What?" I say, kind of shocked. "Why on Earth would we do that?" Tris says with a scowl. "I'm just doing the best I can, and I'm sure Townes is too. We're acting no different than anyone else." Will shrugs. "I don't know. Acting weak so we'd pity you? And then acting tough to psych us out?" "Psych you out?" Says Tris, eyes widening. She looks at me, and I shrug. She wouldn't do that right? I've spent enough time with her to know. "I'm your friend, Will. I wouldn't do that." Will doesn't say anything, then he looks at me. "What, you're gonna accuse me of being manipulative too?" Again, he stays silent. I can tell, he doesn't believe either of us. Christina walks over, having listened to our conversation. "Don't be an idiot, Will." She says, stretching her arm over her head. "They're not acting." She says, looking at us with no sympathy. This rubs me the wrong way, and as they leave the dorm, I follow after them, leaving Tris by herself.

"Hey, Chris what the hell?" I say, jogging after them. She doesn't say anything as I stride up next to them. "What's your problem?" I say, winded from running. "I don't have a problem." "It feels like you do." I say. She turns to me and stops walking. "Not everyone has a problem because you're high rank. I get it, you've got nothing to worry about, but that doesn't mean we don't have to worry about being factionless." "I'm not gonna pretend like I'm at an advantage right now, but that doesn't mean you're going to be factionless, I mean, you're better than Al." Christina folds her arms and cocks her head. Will is a silent giant behind her. "That's low." I suck my teeth. "You of all people should agree with me." I say, speaking with my hands. "Oh, because I was a Candor?" She says accusingly. "I thought you didn't like that, Em?" "Okay, why are you mad at me, I didn't do anything to you." Christina laughs, and I look at Will, hoping he'll help me. He shakes his head and steps back. "This has all been so easy for you, and the moment we're not all rallying behind you, you think something's wrong. Are you seriously that self-obsessed that-" self obsessed strikes a nerve. I push her shoulders, getting in her face. "Take that back." She raises her eyebrows and steps towards me. "What? Self-obsessed?" I glare at her, breathing heavily. "Right, right," She says, nodding her head. "Let me guess, daddy's little girl was the forgotten child?" Before I can do anything, Will grabs me, separating us from each other. I fight against him, and Christina's breathing heavily. "C'mon, we're all friends here." says Will, looking between us. "We don't have to get upset," "Easy for you to say." I push Will away from me, getting out of his grip. I glare at both of them and then I walk away heatedly. I walk so quickly through the halls that when I turn the corner, I almost don't see Tris sitting on the ground against the wall. I slow to a stop, and she looks up at me. "Tris? What're you doing?" She shrugs and doesn't say anything. I sit down next to her, bringing my knees up and resting my elbows on them. "How's Al?" "Not good. He wanted to be alone." She says, staring at the ground. I nod silently, unsure of what to say. Suddenly, we hear running footsteps and both look up towards the sound. Uriah, Lynn and Marlene are running towards us, Lynn is holding a muffin. "Tris! Townes!" Yells Uriah as they get closer. "Thought we'd find you here. I mean, after looking for ten minutes." I smile at him, and he gives a shy one back. "Heard you two were ranked first and second." "So you just wanted to congratulate us?" Tris smirks. "Thanks." "Someone should," Says Uriah, kneeling down. "And, I figured your friends wouldn't be too congratulatory, since their ranks aren't as high. So come on, get up, stop moping. I'm going to shoot a muffin off Marlene's head." I smirk at that, and Tris starts laughing. Uriah smiles. "Figured you'd like that." He stands up and offers a hand to each of us. We both take a hand and Uriah helps us to our feet. Tris and I follow them down the hallway where Lynn and Marlene are waiting. Lynn has a scowl, but Marlene seems to be in a good mood.

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