Part 1:

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(Y/N's POV)

I felt myself moving. It was kind of like I was going up in some kind of elevator or roller coaster ride... wait, what is a roller coaster?

    I was so confused about things I did know about that I had no explanation for, and this elevator was going to be proven to be much more terrifying than anything I could imagine.

     I opened my eyes and looked around to observe my surroundings. I only saw faint flashes of light from an unknown source. I felt things laying scattered around me in the somewhat open room. It did look kind of similar to an elevator. It was made of metal, and I was going up to some place because I could see things passing by as I ascended. I heard some things squealing, which was honestly something I really felt like doing right about now. It might have been some type of animal. If it was out, I hoped that it wouldn't hurt me.

"Hello?! Can anyone hear me?! Please, help me!" I screamed.

I heard no response from anyone who could possibly be around me. I now knew that I was in here alone. Completely alone, and nobody would come to help me or look for me. For god's sake, I didn't even know my name! I couldn't remember anything! This isn't supposed to happen. I wake up in a strange place with no memory? What was going on? This sounded like the plot of a horror movie.

It eventually got too much for me to take. I started to slowly make my way to the corner on my knees, and, against my better judgement, I let tears fall from my eyes, trail down my cheeks, fall off of my chin as I tried to accept whatever was going to happen to me when I arrived at my unknown destination. I knew that I couldn't be in here for something good.


When the lift finally stopped its ascent and reached the end, I looked up and saw a bit of light seeping in. I saw the doors of it completely removed and all kinds of light came in. I put my head down to adjust to the light since I had been in the dark for quite literally as long as I could remember.

I heard a thud and I peeked through my arms. Someone had just gotten in here with me. I saw their face close to me and trying to examine mine though it remained hidden in my arms.

"Hey, it's alright. We're not going to hurt you," an accented voice called.

His voice calmed me down a bit. I built up the courage to put my head up from my arms. I heard everyone start to say things like:

"It's a girl!"


"Bring more!"

Their weird comments kind of annoyed me. I glared at them. Obviously I was a girl, so why were they pointing it out like it was some weird, unachievable of thing? It was literally one of the only things I knew about myself. They all stared at me without holding back. Don't they have any sort of restraint? I felt pair after pair of eyes burning into me, and I shifted around uncomfortably.

"Stop staring, shanks, you're scaring the girl," the boy with me told them.

"Why am I here? What don't I remember anything? Why is everyone pointing out I'm a girl like it's completely unheard of?" I questioned.

"Woah, slow down! I'll tell you everything, but let's get you out of here first."

He helped me get out, and when I was on the regular flat ground I looked at everything. Small huts, buildings, plants, trees, and lots of other things were around. The place was enclosed by a few giant stone walls covered in vines. They were all unbelievably tall.

Everyone was still staring at me and I looked back at them. They finally looked towards the ground. The boy from earlier came up behind me.

"This is the Glade."

I looked back at him with confusion. He explained everything to me about this place. Well, most of everything. He said it was a lot to take in so he would save some of the information for later.

During our talk, he stole nervous glances at me, but then he would look away very quickly. I smiled at his shyness. Apparently, there were no other girls that had ever been sent up into here. I was the first and only. One new person got sent up every month, and this month, that person was me.

Everyone was surprised that nobody was lying when they said I was a girl and I got introduced to them. Everyone said stuff like "woah, they weren't lying!" And "it's actually a girl!" Some were a little more respectful than that, but that's what most of them were saying to me before they shook my hand and creepily stared as if I didn't have eyes that could see what they were doing.

Newt, which was the British boy's name, was unappreciative of the attention they were giving me. When he saw them shamelessly stare, he would glare at them and mumble some scolding remark before calming himself down. I always would smile a bit at his protectiveness of me. We had only just met and I could already tell we were going to be good friends. Or something.

   We had spent the whole day together, which mostly consisted of me meeting dozens of people and learning the basic mechanics of how everything here functioned. At the bonfire, which I found out was to celebrate my being there, we were just talking, and I found that like Newt. Yes, in that way. Well, at least interested. However, I was just fine keeping our relationship friendly since I didn't want to lose him if he didn't feel the same. I knew I would be fine with whatever he chose us to be, but it wouldn't stop my from hoping he liked me too. Of course I would like the one boy who wasn't trying to kill someone for any sort of attention from me.

  Even at dinner his friends would flirt with me. All of them complimented me, winked at me, made me laugh, etc, and that made Newt mad. He barely talked, and I could tell it bothered him. When I put my hand on his arm, it calmed him down a little bit.

She's A Victim  (EDITED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن