Part 2:

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(Two days later)

I woke up to Newt gently shaking me awake.

"Wake up, love!"

"You have 5 seconds to run," I replied.

   He laughed and had the nerve to poke me again.

   "I'm warning you."

    "No more mister nice guy..." he said in a deep voice before pushing me out of my hammock.

     I landed on the ground and mumble-yelled things about revenge. I could hear him run off.

    "To get your 'revenge', you have to get out of bed first!"

    I groaned and sat up. I had to sit there and contemplate life for what felt like five minutes before deciding to even try standing. My body already aches from waking up, and Newt pushing me out of my very extremely comfortable hanging bag did not help the pain.

"Get ready for your track hoe tryouts! You'll be with me all day."

"Not if I kill you..." I muttered.

I looked in the very small mirror and looked at my messy hair. I immediately grabbed my brush and brushed it out really quickly. Newt told me he would continue to wait a safe distance from me, I hurried to do everything I needed to do before I went to breakfast.


We talked and picked berries all day, except for mealtimes. It was by far the most fun job I could have, and I could tell he was excited about having me there to work with him. Boys stared at me bending over left and right and licked their lips at me. I laughed as Newt glared even more at them.

   "It's adorable how you get mad like that," I stated.

   He laughed nervously and rubbed his neck. We continued to work.


   Almost everyday after that was the same. I did end up picking that job at the end of the day. Everyday I would wake up to Newt, we would go to breakfast, work together, hang out, have lunch, work, talk, eat dinner, then talk some more until we fell asleep.

   I turned out to be a very good track-hoe, so no, I didn't just do it because I worked with Newt. It also maybe had something to do with him. We were basically best friends at this point and he was still very protective. I don't know if it's because I was his friend or crush, but the second didn't seem true so I assumed it was going to be the first one. Like I said, I was fine being just friends with Newt.


   (About 3 1/2 weeks later)

   I woke up to Newt waking me up again.

   "Rise and shine, love."

   I got up easily this time since after he woke me up because the Greenie alarm had started blaring, which caused me to take my morning anger out on that and not a certain British human being. I couldn't exactly go back to sleep with that awful noise making my head pound.

  "Good morning, Newt," I yawned.

   I got ready for the day. This was my first Greenie Day, obviously excluding the time where I was the new Greenie. I didn't exactly know what gender to hope for, but since I seemed like the only girl they were going to send up, I expected it to be a boy. Sure, a girl friend would be nice. I could finally have someone to talk about female things with. Or just things in general, because God knows these boys are as smart as rocks and they comprehend just as much.

   I obviously couldn't go to the boys with anything. They could go to me for stuff, but I couldn't with them. I couldn't exactly talk about crushes, have "sleepovers", etc. They could do whatever they wanted since for them there were boys and a girl for anything they may need to talk about.

   When Newt and I walked together to the Box, we had to wait a bit before it arrived. Two gladers opened the Box to reveal a beautiful girl. My usually smiling face immediately disappeared. She was everything that I wasn't. She had the perfect body, perfect hair, and the perfect face. All of the boys seemed to notice, including Newt.

   I was obviously very jealous of this new girl. Everyone seemed to like me for my looks and personality, but now it seemed that because there was a prettier girl, (I have no clue what her personality is like) I'm invisible. My jaw clenched as they stared at her like how they did to me on my first day. They only stared at me like that because I was the first girl they had seen and they were surprised, but for her, they stared because she was the most beautiful person they had ever laid their eyes on. Everyone forgot about me.

  I knew beforehand that if it was a girl they would stare a lot, but I didn't expect anything like this. They were basically drooling, and I couldn't take it. Even Newt seemed to care about her more than me.

   Newt immediately went with her without saying goodbye to me to tour her. I stood there and watched them go away and laugh with each other already. He seemed to start to tell her everything about the Glade and still tell jokes with her.

   With anger surging through me, I went to breakfast. Of course Newt and the new girl were the last to arrive. Everyone was flirting with her and not even talking to me now. I lost my appetite.

   I picked at my food. I looked down and held back tears as it seemed everyone forgot about my very existence.

   When breakfast was done, Newt went with Teresa to the Homestead. He didn't even acknowledge me anymore. I threw away the rest of the food.

   I went to work in the Gardens, and I concentrated on my work for some time. Actually, it was pretty complicated. I could concentrate more because Newt wasn't talking to me, but I also couldn't since all I thought about was him and the new girl. I guess I wasn't that special to him since he gave her the exact same, or maybe better, treatment as me.

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