Part 3:

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    All of the attention the new girl was getting was really picking away at me. Nobody seemed to care about me anymore. Newt seemed to be best friends, or more, with her already as well. He didn't even hang out with me anymore.

   When it was time for lunch, I still felt metaphorically sick to my stomach, and I didn't even really eat. Newt asked me what was wrong from across the table but I just replied with a "nothing, I'm just not hungry" excuse.

   He seemed to not care about it anymore after a while. Anyways, maybe if I got a body like hers, they would like me again. I know it seemed childish, but I lost basically all my friends over her. I couldn't exactly get a lot of exercise being a track-hoe, so why not just eat only a little bit a day?

   Even at the bonfire earlier, Newt almost completely ignored me besides a small wave. I want exactly jealous of her because I was me, and it would be weird for me to be anything but me. It just was saddening that being me seemed to not be good enough for them anymore. It's not like she had an overly amazing personality, either. She seemed somewhat average. I did know that if we looked exactly the same, they would like me more. But, of course, they're boys. They choose looks over personality.

  Now I was brushing my hair to braid it for nighttime, and they both walked into the Homestead. They went and sat on Teresa's hammock (yes, she remembered her name at the bonfire) and talked. They didn't care about me one bit. I just kept angrily brushing my hair, and then I braided it loosely. I lay down on my hammock and let one bitter tear roll down my cheek.


  I woke up in the morning on my own. I woke up early, so I just showered and got dressed. I did everything I needed to do and went straight to the Gardens. I didn't feel like wasting food, sitting with them, and especially seeing Teresa and Newt. I wouldn't be surprised if they were dating already.

   I looked across the Glade and saw everyone talking without a care in the world. I didn't even care anymore, and I just worked.


   (Newt's POV)

   I knew something wasn't right. Y/N never skipped breakfast, and she also wasn't talking to me. Everyone else seemed to not care that Y/N wasn't there, but I cared about her. I knew she didn't oversleep since when I woke up her hammock was empty.


   After I dropped Teresa off at the Bloodhouse for job tryouts, I headed to the Gardens. I saw Y/N already working there. I stood next to her as she continued to work.

   "Why weren't you at breakfast today?" I inquired.

   "Not hungry," she muttered.


   I grabbed my tools and worked beside her. Whenever I looked at her, she didn't seem to stop working, and she had an unreadable expression on her face. There was obviously something wrong with her. She also didn't seem like she wanted to talk. It kind of hurt that she wasn't talking to me anymore. Y/N was my favorite person in the whole Glade and there was something clearly wrong with her, but she clearly though she couldn't trust me enough to tell me.


   (Y/N's POV)

   When it was close to lunchtime, Newt stopped working. He wiped sweat from his forehead and sighed before starting to walk off. When he looked to his side and realized that I wasn't there, he stopped and turned around.

   "You coming to lunch?" He asked.

   I shook my head and continued to work on digging.

  "More plants need to be planted," I answered.

   "What's wrong, Y/N?"

   All of the sudden, Teresa came up and grabbed him by the arm. He was startled for a second before she led him away. I rolled my eyes. She seemed like an okay person, but who cares? She had Newt. She also seemed like she wanted to talk to me sometimes, but I didn't care. She seemed to want female interaction more than me (I just wanted it with someone the boys wouldn't compare me to) and wanted to be friends. I avoided any chance she could get before she even thought about it. Every time there was a moment where she could have thought about doing it, I would dodge it.

   After they both left, I went to the Deadheads. I sat under some trees and hummed the lyrics to "Stone Cold". It seemed the perfect fit for this situation.

   (Newt's POV *after he left with Teresa*)

   I wish that Y/N would tell me what's the matter. The whole time I was eating, I was silent. I wished Y/N were here. It was so much better with her joining us for lunch. I didn't laugh the entire time I was eating, and there was nobody that I had as strong of a bond with. I couldn't help but think about her the whole time at lunch.

   I could tell Chuck was thinking about her too. He always looked at her empty spot at the table. She was like the older sister that Chuck never had, and I knew he missed her. They only really hung out at mealtimes and sometimes after, so he hadn't seen her all today. The rest of them also wondered but didn't ask or think too much about it which made me a bit mad at them.

   Teresa had also mentioned a few times that she wanted to meet Y/N, but she said that she never really had the chance or the right moment. She said that every time she would be around Y/N, all of us were there and engaged in conversation already and she's never seen her alone.


   (Y/N's POV)

   After I had sat there for a bit feeling self-pity, I decided to go back to work before anyone else got there. I ran back and started digging more holes to put seeds in.

   After a few minutes, Newt arrived.

   "Why won't you come eat?" He asked again.

  "I already told you I'm not hungry. I also wasn't finished with this."

   "You need to eat."

   No, I don't.

   "I'll eat later," I lied.


    When it was dinner time, I went straight to the Homestead before Newt could come and question me again. I sat down in my hammock and thought about everything for a bit longer.

   (Newt's POV)

   When dinner time rolled around, Y/N had already left. I had decided that I would bring her some food. I walked to the kitchen and told Fry I would bring Y/N her food and he handed me 2 plates of food. I thanked him and headed to the Homestead.

   (Y/N's POV)

   When I was looking up, I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. I looked and saw Newt headed towards me with plates of food. God, he really was just trying to ruin this whole plan I had in place.

   "I brought you your food," he said sweetly as he sat a plate down on my lap.

   "Thanks," I muttered.

   "You're gonna eat every bite."

   "I guess I was getting a bit hungry..."

   I was getting hungry, but I had a plan. If he thought I didn't hesitate to eat this food, he would stop questioning me about it. I would also be able to skip meals without him caring anymore if he saw that I ate the food and talked to him normally tonight.

   We talked a bit. I could tell he missed talking to me some, but I didn't think he would rather be here with me than with Teresa and his friends at their table.

   After we ate, he took my plate to go and give back to Frypan. As soon as he was out of sight, I ran off as quick as possible to a fairly secluded place. You can probably guess what I did.

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