Chapter One

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Tyler's Point Of View

My name is Tyler Harrison but my friends call me Harry T. I am 28 years of age and well-to-do. I come from a family of 5 . My achievements were quite remarkable as many young men of my age were still struggling to make a living. I was a general manager at HT Electrical Institute and I must say that my pay was quite handsome. I was a good-looking man with a well toned and muscular frame to complement it. I was in general "a wise lady's choice". But I had a serious problem: I lost love and doubted if I could ever find it again.

Twelve Years Ago
Seated in the classroom with my thick-rimmed spectacles and studying my History textbook, I looked like a typical  nerd. Well, that is what I am - a nerd. I did not have any friends and I was always being constantly picked on because I had a small frame. Honestly, I was neither ugly nor dumb but I had this low self-esteem because I was a scholarship student from a humble background studying at a school meant for rich kids alone .

  As I sat there at my seat reading during the  lunch break; I avoided going to the cafeteria to eat to avoid embarrassment; I looked up and saw my worst "daymare" approaching 😡😡.
Mason Mercedes- popularly known as Double M. He was the school's biggest bully and never hesitated to pick on me. He came towards me, threw my textbook on the floor and stepped on it. I was really hurt because my dad had to borrow money to purchase that textbook for me. As he was about to throw a punch at me, we heard the bell for lunch go and the whole class started trooping in. He let go of me when he saw the History master, Mr. Ferdinand troop in with the rest of the class and I picked my textbook which was already messed up and sat down. Mid-way into the period, Mrs. Garretson stepped into the class with a newbie- a kind I had never seen before and asked for permission from Mr Ferdinand to introduce the young lass.

       Angelica's Point Of View

My name is Angelica Richardson but my friends call me AA. I am a young lady of about 26 years old and quite established. My dad was a hard working man and worked hard to make me what I am today. I come from a family of 4 and I attended one of the best schools in the state. I had a good life and was the envy of other young ladies and the desire of every man but I had a problem: "A broken heart"

Twelve Years Ago
On a cool Saturday evening, we were relaxing outside enjoying the cool evening breeze when my dad made a statement that changed my life: "You are going to a new school on Monday". I was shocked and surprised but my dad pretended as if he didn't understand what he said.
"But what about my  old school?" I asked again;" but you could always make new friends" , my mom chipped in. I did not debate further, I was not happy about this and they knew but i knew better than to throw a tantrum; that would be very childish
As I lay down to sleep that night ,,I imagined what my classmates looked like. With a variety of random thoughts, I slept off.

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