Chapter 9

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Broken Angel
12 Years Ago
Creole High 🏫
Monday: Recess Time

Angelica's Point Of View
I waited the whole morning for Tyler but he did not show up. I was broken and lost focus In all my classes. Even my lunch was tasteless. Tyler was the star that brightened my life now he was no where to be found and not even a word of goodbye. Jake had already started making advances towards me but I gave him a cold shoulder. I did not just have the strength to deal with him now.

Somewhere in the City 🌇🌇
Tyler's Point Of View

I was leaving the city for good. I was needed back home for reasons my uncle refused to reveal to me. I was leaving her. I wished I could see her just one last time. Words cannot express how dejected I was. It was the most excruciatingly painful experience for me as I felt my heart break into a million pieces without any hope of repair.  I guess this is the end of the road for me...

Writer's Point Of View 📝📝
My amiable readers, our two lovebirds are broken and cannot continue to recount their tale. I'll have to continue from here😁😁.

Tyler left the next mudding morning and travelled back to continue life with his parents. The reason he left still remains undisclosed. He left without even saying goodbye.😔😔

   Angelica on her part waited that week for Tyler to come back to school but he didn't. Two weeks later, it was announced that he had transferred out of the school. Words cannot describe how she felt. It was very painful- he had left without even saying goodbye. How she wished she could see him one last time. She wanted so much to visit but she knew how inquisitive her parents were. Those times were the darkest times for her.
She waited for a whole year for him and she never heard from him not even once. Poor Angel.. 🥺.
  She then decided to face her studies squarely and be the woman she had always wanted to be. She thought that this would erase him from her mind but no matter how hard she tried , he was always there -engraved deeply on her heart.
    Tyler tried to contact her but he couldn't. He never for one day considered forgetting her because he knew it was a waste of time. He tried searching for her on social media but he did not find her. His family had moved very far from Creole hence he couldn't pay her a visit.
He only prayed everyday that she was safe.

You might be wondering what happened to Soph?
Remember she was just a guest, so she travelled back and that was it for her.

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